[DRE-maint] Re: Mongrel on Debian - wanna join forces?

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at gwolf.org
Sat Jan 6 07:08:15 CET 2007

Jens Kraemer dijo [Fri, Dec 29, 2006 at 01:31:10PM +0100]:
> > Ok, I have not yet worked with your packages - I'm only downloading
> > them now. I want to work with what you have done, possibly merge it
> > with the little I have done. Please tell me, are the packages
> > available here the latest you have?
> > 
> > http://debian.jkraemer.net/apt/pool/main/m/mongrel/
> yeah, these are the latest packages.

Ok. I finally started working on this - As of right now, I uploaded
into our SVN tree the files as I had worked with them. I supposed most
(I'd even say that all) of the packaging work you have done is
contained in the debian/ directory - However, I found quite a large
diff between the files you have _outside_ of debian/ and the ones I
have, which I'm attaching to this mail. We worked on the same version,
so this is not as clear-cut as I'd like - Did you make this diff? Or
do we have an upstream which changes the contents without bumping the
version number? Where/how did you get your upstream sources? I
downloaded them from: 


Then, just renamed mongrel- into mongrel-,
gzipped it and renamed it to mongrel_0.3.13.4.orig.tar.gz

> sounds good. Don't laugh at me, but until now I checked out the mongrel
> source from svn, copied the debian/ subdir into the tree, updated the
> changelog and ran debuild ;-)

Hey, it works not only for you, but for your package's users! ;-)

> So there's plenty room for improvements. How do I create the orig and 
> diff tar.gz and from my tree? I also could just send you the whole
> source tree from which I generated the latest debs.

Hmmm... Well, take a look at my debian/rules:


What do you want in here? First, the unpack target: It unpacks the
gem's data.tar.gz file so it can be built and packaged. Second, the
patch/unpatch targets: They apply (or clean up, although that's not
really needed) the patches via the dpatch infrastructure (mainly,
because our extra step involving unpack. Gems suck ;-) ). And... Well,
the rest is automatic - Debhelper takes care of it.

> > Still, there is much to do before I am ready to upload this to
> > Debian. Today I finally requested to join the pkg-ruby-extras group,
> > although probably Mongrel is outside its scope - Still, if you want me
> > to include Mongrel in the group's repository, I'll be glad to do so. 
> I'm afraid I got no idea about how a debian package builder usually
> manages his package sources and how the whole get-a-package-
> into-the-distribution process works - so if Mongrel is outside of the
> scope of pkg-ruby-extras, where should it go then?

I'm also new to this team, and it seems the package does belong in
there - at least, there are some pkg-ruby-extras members who are
interested and willing to work with it :) Anyway, regardless of how
this is managed: We will (of course, with your permission) build upon
your fine work. Do you want to be listed as a co-maintainer of this
package (which means sharing some responsabilities, of course,
regarding the package well-keeping), or just to be credited as the
original starter of this effort? 


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf at gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
Fingerprint: 0C79 D2D1 2C4E 9CE4 5973  F800 D80E F35A 8BB5 27AF
-------------- next part --------------
--- jens/mongrel-	2006-06-30 15:42:12.000000000 -0500
+++ gwolf/mongrel-	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
   def test_sampling_speed
     out = StringIO.new
-    s = Stats.new("test")
-    t = Stats.new("time")
+    s = Mongrel::Stats.new("test")
+    t = Mongrel::Stats.new("time")
     100.times { s.sample(rand(20)); t.tick }
--- jens/mongrel-	2006-08-08 04:23:26.000000000 -0500
+++ gwolf/mongrel-	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -157,6 +157,10 @@
         puts "#{Mongrel::Command::BANNER}\nAvailable commands are:\n\n"
         self.commands.each do |name|
+          if /mongrel::/ =~ name
+            name = name[9 .. -1]
+          end
           puts " - #{name[1 .. -1]}\n"
@@ -179,8 +183,12 @@
           return true
-        # command exists, set it up and validate it
+          # quick hack so that existing commands will keep working but the Mongrel:: ones can be moved
+          if ["start", "stop", "restart"].include? cmd_name
+            cmd_name = "mongrel::" + cmd_name
+          end
           command = GemPlugin::Manager.instance.create("/commands/#{cmd_name}", :argv => args)
         rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption
           STDERR.puts "#$! for command '#{cmd_name}'"
--- jens/mongrel-	2006-06-30 15:42:12.000000000 -0500
+++ gwolf/mongrel-	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -12,76 +12,78 @@
 # It does all of this very fast and doesn't take up any memory since the samples
 # are not stored but instead all the values are calculated on the fly.
-class Stats
-  attr_reader :sum, :sumsq, :n, :min, :max
-  def initialize(name)
-    @name = name
-    reset
-  end
+module Mongrel
+  class Stats
+    attr_reader :sum, :sumsq, :n, :min, :max
+    def initialize(name)
+      @name = name
+      reset
+    end
-  # Resets the internal counters so you can start sampling again.
-  def reset
-    @sum = 0.0
-    @sumsq = 0.0
-    @last_time = Time.new
-    @n = 0.0
-    @min = 0.0
-    @max = 0.0
-  end
+    # Resets the internal counters so you can start sampling again.
+    def reset
+      @sum = 0.0
+      @sumsq = 0.0
+      @last_time = Time.new
+      @n = 0.0
+      @min = 0.0
+      @max = 0.0
+    end
-  # Adds a sampling to the calculations.
-  def sample(s)
-    @sum += s
-    @sumsq += s * s
-    if @n == 0
-      @min = @max = s
-    else
-      @min = s if @min > s
-      @max = s if @max < s
+    # Adds a sampling to the calculations.
+    def sample(s)
+      @sum += s
+      @sumsq += s * s
+      if @n == 0
+        @min = @max = s
+      else
+        @min = s if @min > s
+        @max = s if @max < s
+      end
+      @n+=1
-    @n+=1
-  end
-  # Dump this Stats object with an optional additional message.
-  def dump(msg = "", out=STDERR)
-    out.puts "#{msg}: #{self.to_s}"
-  end
+    # Dump this Stats object with an optional additional message.
+    def dump(msg = "", out=STDERR)
+      out.puts "#{msg}: #{self.to_s}"
+    end
-  # Returns a common display (used by dump)
-  def to_s  
+    # Returns a common display (used by dump)
+    def to_s  
     "[#{@name}]: SUM=%0.4f, SUMSQ=%0.4f, N=%0.4f, MEAN=%0.4f, SD=%0.4f, MIN=%0.4f, MAX=%0.4f" % [@sum, @sumsq, @n, mean, sd, @min, @max]
-  end
+    end
-  # Calculates and returns the mean for the data passed so far.
-  def mean
-    @sum / @n
-  end
+    # Calculates and returns the mean for the data passed so far.
+    def mean
+      @sum / @n
+    end
-  # Calculates the standard deviation of the data so far.
-  def sd
-    # (sqrt( ((s).sumsq - ( (s).sum * (s).sum / (s).n)) / ((s).n-1) ))
-    begin
-      return Math.sqrt( (@sumsq - ( @sum * @sum / @n)) / (@n-1) )
-    rescue Errno::EDOM
-      return 0.0
+    # Calculates the standard deviation of the data so far.
+    def sd
+      # (sqrt( ((s).sumsq - ( (s).sum * (s).sum / (s).n)) / ((s).n-1) ))
+      begin
+        return Math.sqrt( (@sumsq - ( @sum * @sum / @n)) / (@n-1) )
+      rescue Errno::EDOM
+        return 0.0
+      end
-  end
-  # Adds a time delta between now and the last time you called this.  This
-  # will give you the average time between two activities.
-  # 
-  # An example is:
-  #
-  #  t = Stats.new("do_stuff")
-  #  10000.times { do_stuff(); t.tick }
-  #  t.dump("time")
-  #
-  def tick
-    now = Time.now
-    sample(now - @last_time)
-    @last_time = now
+    # Adds a time delta between now and the last time you called this.  This
+    # will give you the average time between two activities.
+    # 
+    # An example is:
+    #
+    #  t = Stats.new("do_stuff")
+    #  10000.times { do_stuff(); t.tick }
+    #  t.dump("time")
+    #
+    def tick
+      now = Time.now
+      sample(now - @last_time)
+      @last_time = now
+    end
--- jens/mongrel-	2006-09-03 14:47:53.000000000 -0500
+++ gwolf/mongrel-	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -324,11 +324,11 @@
     def initialize(ops={})
       @sample_rate = ops[:sample_rate] || 300
-      @processors = Stats.new("processors")
-      @reqsize = Stats.new("request Kb")
-      @headcount = Stats.new("req param count")
-      @respsize = Stats.new("response Kb")
-      @interreq = Stats.new("inter-request time")
+      @processors = Mongrel::Stats.new("processors")
+      @reqsize = Mongrel::Stats.new("request Kb")
+      @headcount = Mongrel::Stats.new("req param count")
+      @respsize = Mongrel::Stats.new("response Kb")
+      @interreq = Mongrel::Stats.new("inter-request time")
--- jens/mongrel-	2006-08-25 22:05:05.000000000 -0500
+++ gwolf/mongrel-	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
             if o.respond_to? :length
               len = o.length
-              lengths[o.class] ||= Stats.new(o.class)
+              lengths[o.class] ||= Mongrel::Stats.new(o.class)
           rescue Object
--- jens/mongrel-	2006-09-18 05:01:00.000000000 -0500
+++ gwolf/mongrel-	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#! /usr/bin/ruby1.8
 # mongrel_rails_service
--- jens/mongrel-	2006-09-18 05:01:00.000000000 -0500
+++ gwolf/mongrel-	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#! /usr/bin/ruby1.8
 # mongrel_rails_svc
--- jens/mongrel-	2006-09-18 05:01:00.000000000 -0500
+++ gwolf/mongrel-	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#! /usr/bin/ruby1.8
 # Copyright (c) 2005 Zed A. Shaw 
 # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Ruby.
@@ -11,216 +10,217 @@
 require 'mongrel/rails'
 require 'etc'
+module Mongrel
+  class Start < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
+    include Mongrel::Command::Base
+    def configure
+      options [
+        ["-e", "--environment ENV", "Rails environment to run as", :@environment, ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development"],
+        ["-d", "--daemonize", "Whether to run in the background or not", :@daemon, false],
+        ['-p', '--port PORT', "Which port to bind to", :@port, 3000],
+        ['-a', '--address ADDR', "Address to bind to", :@address, ""],
+        ['-l', '--log FILE', "Where to write log messages", :@log_file, "log/mongrel.log"],
+        ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where to write the PID", :@pid_file, "log/mongrel.pid"],
+        ['-n', '--num-procs INT', "Number of processors active before clients denied", :@num_procs, 1024],
+        ['-t', '--timeout TIME', "Timeout all requests after 100th seconds time", :@timeout, 0],
+        ['-m', '--mime PATH', "A YAML file that lists additional MIME types", :@mime_map, nil],
+        ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, Dir.pwd],
+        ['-r', '--root PATH', "Set the document root (default 'public')", :@docroot, "public"],
+        ['-B', '--debug', "Enable debugging mode", :@debug, false],
+        ['-C', '--config PATH', "Use a config file", :@config_file, nil],
+        ['-S', '--script PATH', "Load the given file as an extra config script.", :@config_script, nil],
+        ['-G', '--generate CONFIG', "Generate a config file for -C", :@generate, nil],
+        ['', '--user USER', "User to run as", :@user, nil],
+        ['', '--group GROUP', "Group to run as", :@group, nil],
+        ['', '--prefix PATH', "URL prefix for Rails app", :@prefix, nil]
+      ]
+    end
+    def validate
+      @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
+      valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
+      # change there to start, then we'll have to come back after daemonize
+      Dir.chdir(@cwd)
+      valid?(@prefix[0].chr == "/" && @prefix[-1].chr != "/", "Prefix must begin with / and not end in /") if @prefix
+      valid_dir? File.dirname(@log_file), "Path to log file not valid: #@log_file"
+      valid_dir? File.dirname(@pid_file), "Path to pid file not valid: #@pid_file"
+      valid_dir? @docroot, "Path to docroot not valid: #@docroot"
+      valid_exists? @mime_map, "MIME mapping file does not exist: #@mime_map" if @mime_map
+      valid_exists? @config_file, "Config file not there: #@config_file" if @config_file
+      valid_dir? File.dirname(@generate), "Problem accessing directory to #@generate" if @generate
+      valid_user? @user if @user
+      valid_group? @group if @group
+      return @valid
+    end
+    def run
+      # command line setting override config file settings
+      settings = { :host => @address,  :port => @port, :cwd => @cwd,
+        :log_file => @log_file, :pid_file => @pid_file, :environment => @environment,
+        :docroot => @docroot, :mime_map => @mime_map, :daemon => @daemon,
+        :debug => @debug, :includes => ["mongrel"], :config_script => @config_script,
+        :num_processors => @num_procs, :timeout => @timeout,
+        :user => @user, :group => @group, :prefix => @prefix, :config_file => @config_file
+      }
+      if @generate
+        STDERR.puts "** Writing config to #@generate"
+        open(@generate, "w") {|f| f.write(settings.to_yaml) }
+        STDERR.puts "## Exiting. Re-run without -G and WITH -C using your new config file."
+        exit 0
+      end
-class Start < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
-  include Mongrel::Command::Base
-  def configure
-    options [
-      ["-e", "--environment ENV", "Rails environment to run as", :@environment, ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development"],
-      ["-d", "--daemonize", "Whether to run in the background or not", :@daemon, false],
-      ['-p', '--port PORT', "Which port to bind to", :@port, 3000],
-      ['-a', '--address ADDR', "Address to bind to", :@address, ""],
-      ['-l', '--log FILE', "Where to write log messages", :@log_file, "log/mongrel.log"],
-      ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where to write the PID", :@pid_file, "log/mongrel.pid"],
-      ['-n', '--num-procs INT', "Number of processors active before clients denied", :@num_procs, 1024],
-      ['-t', '--timeout TIME', "Timeout all requests after 100th seconds time", :@timeout, 0],
-      ['-m', '--mime PATH', "A YAML file that lists additional MIME types", :@mime_map, nil],
-      ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, Dir.pwd],
-      ['-r', '--root PATH', "Set the document root (default 'public')", :@docroot, "public"],
-      ['-B', '--debug', "Enable debugging mode", :@debug, false],
-      ['-C', '--config PATH', "Use a config file", :@config_file, nil],
-      ['-S', '--script PATH', "Load the given file as an extra config script.", :@config_script, nil],
-      ['-G', '--generate CONFIG', "Generate a config file for -C", :@generate, nil],
-      ['', '--user USER', "User to run as", :@user, nil],
-      ['', '--group GROUP', "Group to run as", :@group, nil],
-      ['', '--prefix PATH', "URL prefix for Rails app", :@prefix, nil]
-    ]
-  end
-  def validate
-    @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
-    valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
-    # change there to start, then we'll have to come back after daemonize
-    Dir.chdir(@cwd)
-    valid?(@prefix[0].chr == "/" && @prefix[-1].chr != "/", "Prefix must begin with / and not end in /") if @prefix
-    valid_dir? File.dirname(@log_file), "Path to log file not valid: #@log_file"
-    valid_dir? File.dirname(@pid_file), "Path to pid file not valid: #@pid_file"
-    valid_dir? @docroot, "Path to docroot not valid: #@docroot"
-    valid_exists? @mime_map, "MIME mapping file does not exist: #@mime_map" if @mime_map
-    valid_exists? @config_file, "Config file not there: #@config_file" if @config_file
-    valid_dir? File.dirname(@generate), "Problem accessing directory to #@generate" if @generate
-    valid_user? @user if @user
-    valid_group? @group if @group
+      if @config_file
+        conf = YAML.load_file(@config_file)
+        settings = settings.merge! conf
+        STDERR.puts "** Loading settings from #{@config_file} (they override command line)." unless settings[:daemon]
+      end
-    return @valid
-  end
-  def run
-    # command line setting override config file settings
-    settings = { :host => @address,  :port => @port, :cwd => @cwd,
-      :log_file => @log_file, :pid_file => @pid_file, :environment => @environment,
-      :docroot => @docroot, :mime_map => @mime_map, :daemon => @daemon,
-      :debug => @debug, :includes => ["mongrel"], :config_script => @config_script,
-      :num_processors => @num_procs, :timeout => @timeout,
-      :user => @user, :group => @group, :prefix => @prefix, :config_file => @config_file
-    }
-    if @generate
-      STDERR.puts "** Writing config to #@generate"
-      open(@generate, "w") {|f| f.write(settings.to_yaml) }
-      STDERR.puts "## Exiting. Re-run without -G and WITH -C using your new config file."
-      exit 0
-    end
-    if @config_file
-      conf = YAML.load_file(@config_file)
-      settings = settings.merge! conf
-      STDERR.puts "** Loading settings from #{@config_file} (they override command line)." unless settings[:daemon]
-    end
-    config = Mongrel::Rails::RailsConfigurator.new(settings) do
-      if defaults[:daemon]
-        if File.exist? defaults[:pid_file]
-          log "!!! PID file #{defaults[:pid_file]} already exists.  Mongrel could be running already. Check your #{defaults[:log_file]} for errors."
+      config = Mongrel::Rails::RailsConfigurator.new(settings) do
+        if defaults[:daemon]
+          if File.exist? defaults[:pid_file]
+            log "!!! PID file #{defaults[:pid_file]} already exists.  Mongrel could be running already. Check your #{defaults[:log_file]} for errors."
+          end
+          daemonize
+          log "Daemonized, any open files are closed.  Look at #{defaults[:pid_file]} and #{defaults[:log_file]} for info."
+          log "Settings loaded from #{@config_file} (they override command line)." if @config_file
-        daemonize
-        log "Daemonized, any open files are closed.  Look at #{defaults[:pid_file]} and #{defaults[:log_file]} for info."
-        log "Settings loaded from #{@config_file} (they override command line)." if @config_file
-      end
+        log "Starting Mongrel listening at #{defaults[:host]}:#{defaults[:port]}"
-      log "Starting Mongrel listening at #{defaults[:host]}:#{defaults[:port]}"
-      listener do
-        mime = {}
-        if defaults[:mime_map]
-          log "Loading additional MIME types from #{defaults[:mime_map]}"
-          mime = load_mime_map(defaults[:mime_map], mime)
-        end
+        listener do
+          mime = {}
+          if defaults[:mime_map]
+            log "Loading additional MIME types from #{defaults[:mime_map]}"
+            mime = load_mime_map(defaults[:mime_map], mime)
+          end
+          if defaults[:debug]
+            log "Installing debugging prefixed filters.  Look in log/mongrel_debug for the files."
+            debug "/"
+          end
+          log "Starting Rails with #{defaults[:environment]} environment..."
+          log "Mounting Rails at #{defaults[:prefix]}..." if defaults[:prefix]
+          uri defaults[:prefix] || "/", :handler => rails(:mime => mime, :prefix => defaults[:prefix])
+          log "Rails loaded."
+          log "Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins"
+          load_plugins
+          if defaults[:config_script]
+            log "Loading #{defaults[:config_script]} external config script"
+            run_config(defaults[:config_script])
+          end
-        if defaults[:debug]
-          log "Installing debugging prefixed filters.  Look in log/mongrel_debug for the files."
-          debug "/"
+          setup_rails_signals
+      end
-        log "Starting Rails with #{defaults[:environment]} environment..."
-        log "Mounting Rails at #{defaults[:prefix]}..." if defaults[:prefix]
-        uri defaults[:prefix] || "/", :handler => rails(:mime => mime, :prefix => defaults[:prefix])
-        log "Rails loaded."
-        log "Loading any Rails specific GemPlugins"
-        load_plugins
-        if defaults[:config_script]
-          log "Loading #{defaults[:config_script]} external config script"
-          run_config(defaults[:config_script])
-        end
+      config.run
+      config.log "Mongrel available at #{settings[:host]}:#{settings[:port]}"
-        setup_rails_signals
+      if config.defaults[:daemon]
+        config.write_pid_file
+      else
+        config.log "Use CTRL-C to stop." 
-    end
-    config.run
-    config.log "Mongrel available at #{settings[:host]}:#{settings[:port]}"
-    if config.defaults[:daemon]
-      config.write_pid_file
-    else
-      config.log "Use CTRL-C to stop." 
-    end
+      config.join
-    config.join
-    if config.needs_restart
-      if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
-        cmd = "ruby #{__FILE__} start #{original_args.join(' ')}"
-        config.log "Restarting with arguments:  #{cmd}"
-        exec cmd
-      else
-        config.log "Win32 does not support restarts. Exiting."
+      if config.needs_restart
+        if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin/
+          cmd = "ruby #{__FILE__} start #{original_args.join(' ')}"
+          config.log "Restarting with arguments:  #{cmd}"
+          exec cmd
+        else
+          config.log "Win32 does not support restarts. Exiting."
+        end
-def send_signal(signal, pid_file)
-  pid = open(pid_file).read.to_i
-  print "Sending #{signal} to Mongrel at PID #{pid}..."
-  begin
-    Process.kill(signal, pid)
-  rescue Errno::ESRCH
-    puts "Process does not exist.  Not running."
-  end
+  def Mongrel::send_signal(signal, pid_file)
+    pid = open(pid_file).read.to_i
+    print "Sending #{signal} to Mongrel at PID #{pid}..."
+    begin
+      Process.kill(signal, pid)
+    rescue Errno::ESRCH
+      puts "Process does not exist.  Not running."
+    end
-  puts "Done."
+    puts "Done."
+  end
-class Stop < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
-  include Mongrel::Command::Base
+  class Stop < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
+    include Mongrel::Command::Base
-  def configure 
-    options [ 
-      ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, "."],
-      ['-f', '--force', "Force the shutdown.", :@force, false],
-      ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where the PID file is located", :@pid_file, "log/mongrel.pid"]
-    ]
-  end
+    def configure 
+      options [ 
+        ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, "."],
+        ['-f', '--force', "Force the shutdown.", :@force, false],
+        ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where the PID file is located", :@pid_file, "log/mongrel.pid"]
+      ]
+    end
-  def validate
-    @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
-    valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
+    def validate
+      @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
+      valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
-    Dir.chdir @cwd
+      Dir.chdir @cwd
-    valid_exists? @pid_file, "PID file #@pid_file does not exist. Not running?" 
-    return @valid
-  end
+      valid_exists? @pid_file, "PID file #@pid_file does not exist. Not running?" 
+      return @valid
+    end
-  def run
-    if @force
-      send_signal("KILL", @pid_file)
-    else
-      send_signal("TERM", @pid_file)
+    def run
+      if @force
+        Mongrel::send_signal("KILL", @pid_file)
+      else
+        Mongrel::send_signal("TERM", @pid_file)
+      end
-class Restart < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
-  include Mongrel::Command::Base
+  class Restart < GemPlugin::Plugin "/commands"
+    include Mongrel::Command::Base
-  def configure 
-    options [ 
-      ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, '.'],
-      ['-s', '--soft', "Do a soft restart rather than a process exit restart", :@soft, false],
-      ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where the PID file is located", :@pid_file, "log/mongrel.pid"]
-    ]
-  end
+    def configure 
+      options [ 
+        ['-c', '--chdir PATH', "Change to dir before starting (will be expanded)", :@cwd, '.'],
+        ['-s', '--soft', "Do a soft restart rather than a process exit restart", :@soft, false],
+        ['-P', '--pid FILE', "Where the PID file is located", :@pid_file, "log/mongrel.pid"]
+      ]
+    end
-  def validate
-    @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
-    valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
+    def validate
+      @cwd = File.expand_path(@cwd)
+      valid_dir? @cwd, "Invalid path to change to during daemon mode: #@cwd"
-    Dir.chdir @cwd
+      Dir.chdir @cwd
-    valid_exists? @pid_file, "PID file #@pid_file does not exist. Not running?" 
-    return @valid
-  end
+      valid_exists? @pid_file, "PID file #@pid_file does not exist. Not running?" 
+      return @valid
+    end
-  def run
-    if @soft
-      send_signal("HUP", @pid_file)
-    else
-      send_signal("USR2", @pid_file)
+    def run
+      if @soft
+        Mongrel::send_signal("HUP", @pid_file)
+      else
+        Mongrel::send_signal("USR2", @pid_file)
+      end
@@ -228,10 +228,6 @@
 GemPlugin::Manager.instance.load "mongrel" => GemPlugin::INCLUDE, "rails" => GemPlugin::EXCLUDE
 if not Mongrel::Command::Registry.instance.run ARGV
   exit 1

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