[DRE-maint] [DRE-commits] r1634 - in website: plugin src

Vincent Fourmond fourmond at debian.org
Sat May 26 22:09:19 UTC 2007

fourmond at alioth.debian.org wrote:
> Added:
>    website/plugin/svnauthor.rb
> Modified:
>    website/src/default.template
> Log:
> Added a small plugin to know the last editor of each page

  Hello all again !

  I've just added a small plugin of my own design to the website. It
uses information returned by the svn command to display a small
'modified-by' entry at the bottom of the pages. I've uploaded the
website using this tag, I have to say it is interesting ;-). Although I
believe it is fairly genuine, please tell me if you experience any
problems, and in the worst case, you can always remove the {svnAuthor:}
tag from src/default.template.

  I hope you'll like ;-)

	Vincent, in a debian mood tonight

Vincent Fourmond <fourmond at debian.org>, Debian Developer

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