[DRE-maint] sponsorship for libfastthread-ruby

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net
Sun Apr 20 15:58:20 UTC 2008

On 20/04/08 at 11:29 -0400, Micah Anderson wrote:
> > I will file a bug against ruby1.8 and keep my fingers crossed. It would
> > be nice to get capistrano in before Lenny is frozen.
> What is the state of this bug, is this fix in the 1.8.7-preview2
> release? If so, then it seems likely that this will be released soon. 
> Lets say ruby 1.8.7 is released in two weeks from now, what does that
> mean for Debian Lenny? Will 1.8.7 make it into Lenny and become the
> default Debian release shipped with Lenny that all the ruby libs will
> need to transition to?

I can only speak for myself, but I'd like that to happen, yes.

> Is that an unreasonable transition at this point,
> or is this such a minor point release that its not such a large
> transition? 

minor point releases usually don't break too much stuff.

> If 1.8.7 wont be the default ruby for Lenny, then maybe it makes sense
> to have a libfastthread-ruby package available?

let's say it probably will be.
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas at nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |
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