[DRE-maint] RFS: rush 0.2-1 (initial upload)

Michael Schutte m.schutte.jr at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 18:51:23 UTC 2008

Hi everybody,

I’m looking for a sponsor for the first revision of my rush package.  I
am not a member of your team and I do not use SVN, so I can only hope
that it is okay to ask for sponsorship here; I’ve tried it before on
debian-mentors [1] and debian-ruby [2] nearly a month ago, but I didn’t
get many reactions on these lists.

You can find the source package at:


	Version:	0.2-1
	Upstream:	Adam Wiggins <adam at heroku.com>
	Homepage:	http://rush.heroku.com/
	Vcs-Git:	git://git.debian.org/~michi-guest/rush.git

“rush”, implemented in pure Ruby, aims to be an object-oriented
replacement for classical Unix shells.  Using a server program called
“rushd”, it can communicate with remote machines via an SSH tunnel and
allows to work on them transparently.

“rush” builds the following binary packages:

	rush	–	Ruby replacement for a shell
	rushd	–	Ruby replacement for a shell, server part

The ITP this upload would close is #466823.

As this is my first take at a package using Ruby, I hope that I’m doing
the right thing in debian/rules.  Please correct me if you find unusual
or evil things in there.  It does build fine in pbuilder and is lintian

I would be glad if someone could take a look at this package or even
upload it for me.  If you want me to use your Subversion repository,
just tell me—I’d happily join your team.

Please keep me in Cc for now (while I’m waiting for Gmane).

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2008/03/msg00340.html
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-ruby/2008/04/msg00000.html

Thanks in advance,
Michael Schutte <m.schutte.jr at gmail.com>
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