[DRE-maint] Github redirector available

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at softwarelivre.org
Mon Dec 22 00:19:48 UTC 2008

Gunnar Wolf escreveu isso aí:
> |So, I just registered and set up GitHubRedir [2] to make it easier for
> |packagers to take advantage of it.
> Now, what packages in the group's umbrella can directly benefit from
> it? At a first glance:
> - libshoulda-ruby (Antonio Terceiro)
> - libwill-paginate-ruby (Gunnar Wolf)
> - libacts-as-list-ruby (Gunnar Wolf, in WIP)
> - rush (Michael Schutte, in WIP)

Just converted libshoulda-ruby to use it, works like a charm. Thanks!

The package is ready to upload, BTW. It would be nice if someone could
have a look and maybe upload.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>
GnuPG ID: 0F9CB28F

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