[DRE-maint] sponsorship for libfastthread-ruby

Matt Zagrabelny mzagrabe at d.umn.edu
Tue Mar 25 15:09:33 UTC 2008


I have packaged up fastthread for ruby in package libfastthread-ruby. It
is lintian clean and is a pretty small package (one .so to install.) I
have packaged it up in preparation for packaging capistrano (either
myself or the person who filed #428879).

I am wondering if anyone would be willing to sponsor the upload?

Files (.deb, .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz, .dsc, .changes) can be found at:


Thank you for your consideration,

Matt Zagrabelny - mzagrabe at d.umn.edu - (218) 726 8844
University of Minnesota Duluth
Information Technology Systems & Services
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He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot
-Jim Elliot
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