[DRE-maint] Release stuff for the Debian/Ruby Extras team

Michael Schutte michi at uiae.at
Sun Sep 7 17:14:08 UTC 2008


First and foremost, libcairo-ruby 1.5.1-1+lenny1 is currently stuck in
t-p-u because it apparently doesn’t get autobuilt on IA64.  Do you know
what the problem is?

Second, please remove liblocale-ruby from testing.  It has no reverse

Third, could you consider unblocking these two revisions fixing
important bugs:

 libxtemplate-ruby1.8 (0.8.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fixed debian/watch
   * Added myself as an uploader (Closes: #472430)
   * Bumped up standards-version to 3.8.0 (no changes needed)
   * No longer inlining here setup.rb; depending on ruby-pkg-tools for
     ruby-setup-rb.mk instead

 libgd-ruby ( unstable; urgency=low
   [ Paul van Tilburg ]
   * Added watch file (use RAA cache, since upstream website is gone!).
   * Moved the team to the Uploaders field, set myself as maintainer
     in debian/control (closes: #472438).
   * Removed superfluous debian/dirs and Debian-specific changes
     to extconf.rb.
   * Bumped the standards version to 3.8.0; no changes required.
   [ Antonio Terceiro ]
   * Added debian/patches/fix-set-interlace-on-amd64.patch to fix segmentation
     faults on amd64 when using the interlace option (Closes: #497191).
   * Added myself to Uploaders in debian/control.

Kind regards,
Michael Schutte <michi at uiae.at>
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