[DRE-maint] libaugeas-ruby (RTP #497940)

Marc Fournier marc.fournier at camptocamp.com
Mon Sep 8 22:20:52 UTC 2008


I've just spent a few hours packaging libaugeas-ruby. As I don't do this
sort of thing very frequently, I would be glad to have some feedback. My
idea would of course be to see this package end up in debian.

I largely inspired myself from what I found in [1]. I've uploaded my
package onto ubuntu's build service. It can be dget'ed at [2].

I have at least two questions so far:

 - the upstream author named the ruby binding "_augeas.{c,so}". Is the
   prepended underscore a problem ? Should I try to rename this file ?

 - the mkmf module is used to generate a makefile, which links a few
   libraries who are apparently not necessary and dpkg-shlibdeps complains
   about it (pbuilder logs found at [3]). Any idea how could this be
   fixed ?

Please let me know if I would better go and post this on -mentors...

Thanks !

[1] svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-ruby-extras/
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