[DRE-maint] Request to join pkg-ruby-extras team on alioth + call for review source package of libsinatra-ruby

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net
Thu Jul 2 21:28:46 UTC 2009

Hi Laurent,

On 30/06/09 at 14:01 +0200, Laurent Vallar wrote:
> I did a last split of builded packages to provide HTML doc in a package
> and follow actual naming of Ruby libraries. Source now build three
> packages :
> - libsinatra-ruby (the dummy one, depends on the following one)
> - libsinatra-ruby1.8 (for the 1.8 interpreter)
> - libsinatra-ruby-doc (the HTML docs)
> But after reading candidate new Ruby version 2 I saw there is a possible
> solution to work with different interpreter. May be i'm wrong using
> libsetup-ruby1.8 for future Ruby 1.9 ... 

Once ruby-support will be fully implemented, it will be super-easy to
use it with packages like sinatra so that they automatically work
with all installed ruby interpreters. The only problem is that some work
still needs to be done on ruby-support.

So you did the right thing so far.
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas at nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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