[DRE-maint] New package in Pkg-Ruby-Extras

Richard Hurt rnhurt at kangaroobox.com
Mon Nov 16 21:04:58 UTC 2009

Hey all,

I want to include my Gradesheet package in the Ruby Extras SVN 
repository but am having a bit of difficulty.  First off, I don't have a 
.dsc file to feed to svn-inject.  I'm using debuild and I get a valid 
.deb file (as well as .changes & .build) but no .dsc file to be found.  
Is there a switch I need or something?

Second, are we sticking with SVN for the long term?  I use git for 
everything else and it kinda twists my mind up to use SVN.  Is there a 
git version of Pkg-Ruby-Extras anywhere?

*Richard Hurt*
CEO KangarooBox, LLC.
e: rnhurt at KangarooBox.com
p: 502-298-5422
w: http://KangarooBox.com
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