[DRE-maint] Bug#584331: libbuilder-ruby1.8: an external plugin for redmine is broken when xml.instruct (which calls to_xs in builder)

Marc Dequènes (Duck) duck at duckcorp.org
Sat Aug 21 12:38:01 UTC 2010

reassign 584331 libactivesupport-ruby1.8


As i understand it, the to_xs() API is not normalized accross several  
tools, and it is bothering you. Well, by reading you example, and as  
libactivesupport-ruby1.8 defines this alias which is broken due to  
conflicting API, i would say this package is doing the wrong thing.

If you think this method should really be changed (which would break  
compatibility with tools providing the extra argument), then i guess  
you should try to convince the builder's upstream authors directly.

ActiveSupport could easily, and properly solve the issue, by replacing:
   alias_method :to_xs, :fast_xs
   def to_s(escape=true)

As the original provider and reference of this method is Builder, i'm  
then reassigning this bug to ActiveSupport.

Marc Dequènes (Duck)
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