[DRE-maint] Bug#570179: redmine: fails to install with remote MySQL server

Jérémy Lal jerry at edagames.com
Wed Feb 17 11:22:04 UTC 2010

On 17/02/2010 04:33, Antoine Beaupre wrote:
> After answering the prompts in dpkg-reconfigure, I get the following error:
> mysql said: ERROR 1133 (42000) at line 1: Can't find any matching row in the user table
> ... which is odd, as it's not a permission denied error, it's as if the process of 
> initialising the databse user was broken in some way.

Latest redmine package 0.9.2-2 fixes at least one problem with the db initialization.
When it will be available as a backport, please let me know what happens.

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