[DRE-maint] Bug#570402: redmine: send_reminders seems not to work

Holger Rusch holger at rusch.name
Fri Feb 19 09:22:36 UTC 2010


Am 18.02.2010 21:39, schrieb Jérémy Lal:
> It works perfectly for me.
> I tried by adding issues and setting different due dates, and i get the correct list.

> Unfortunately there's no log in /var/log/redmine/default/production.log
> You can try
> * rake -vt ...

winvirtdebian:~# sudo -u www-data X_DEBIAN_SITEID=default /usr/bin/rake 
-vt -f /usr/share/redmine/Rakefile redmine:send_reminders days="10" 
(in /root)
** Invoke redmine:send_reminders (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute redmine:send_reminders

=> Everything seems fine.

> * in config/environments/production.log, change to :
>    config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true

There are no more infos in the log then. Running the send_reminders task 
just give no additional log entry.

> * redmine 0.9.2 (which is in unstable), maybe it's a 0.9.1 bug.

Doesnt seem so, because the send_reminders feature got no bug attached 
at redmine.org since it exists.

But i will wait until 0.9.2 gets into testing and if its gone, i will 
tell. If not, i will also tell. :)


Other ways to debug more deeply? But be aware, I am a complete ruby and 
raids noob!

+ Contact? => http://site.rusch.name/ +

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