[DRE-maint] liboauth-ruby: initial upload for review

Will Daniels debian at willdaniels.co.uk
Tue Mar 2 04:54:46 UTC 2010

Will Daniels wrote:
> I know it's more intended for dealing with bigger patch sets, but I'm
> quite fond of quilt and I'd prefer to use it if possible. I guess I
> could try to fix svn-buildpackage myself, but I'm assuming there must be
> something fundamentally difficult about it if nobody has done this yet...?
> I will investigate further, but if anybody already knows what the score
> is with svn-bp/quilt please advise.

No matter, I found there is already a patch from Raphael Hertzog for this :)
It was just filed under a bug for something slightly different :@


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