[DRE-maint] Please UNremove libhpricot-ruby, dh-make-drupal, amrita2, libfeedtools-ruby from testing

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at gwolf.org
Fri Sep 10 03:34:35 UTC 2010

severity 534721 important
tags 534721 + upstream


As I stated in the bug report - Although the bug _is_ still present,
it is _not_ of critical severity. This bug does _not_ warrant
libhpricot-ruby (and the packages depending on it) to be removed from

There is, yes, a patch pending on this bug report - I am not the
maintainer, and I prefer not to NMU it. The package, as it is, works
for most of its use cases, and should not be dropped from testing.

I am downgrading its severity - as I already said, this bug does not
warrant being marked as grave or serious, as the package is -by far-
not rendered unusable.

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