[DRE-maint] [IMPORTANT] future of pkg-ruby-extras

Bryan McLellan btm at loftninjas.org
Sat Jan 8 21:33:34 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net> wrote:
> So, if you want to stay a member of the team (which is fine, I
> encourage you to continue to contribute to the team, and I'm also
> planning to stay a member for now!), please reply to this mail within
> the following two weeks, stating your alioth login. If you don't
> reply, you will be removed from the team.


Years ago I packaged ruby libraries internally at my job. I'm a
developer for Chef, and I jumped at the opportunity to create debian
packages for Chef. At the time, I did not work for Opscode so I handed
packaging for the projects that Opscode sponsors over to Joshua
Timberman, who did. I can definitely maintain the libraries that Chef
still uses, the others I would continue if I can discover they're
still of use to comeone

Chef still uses:
>   libbunny-ruby
>   libextlib-ruby

>   libstomp-ruby
>   libsystemu-ruby
>   stompserver

However, I'm not a DD and I've gotten most of my mentorship and
uploads from users of Chef who happen to be a DD and were willing to
sponsor these packages. I would really like to help DRE more, as I
believe in the cause. With the uncertain state of DRE, I'm not sure
where to turn. If there is a process through which I can get reliable
mentorship, I can commit time to the team.

Bryan McLellan

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