[DRE-maint] Bug#666973: ruby-pkg-tools: why not dep: ruby OR ruby-interpreter instead of just ruby so that ruby1.8 isn't mandatory?

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at softwarelivre.org
Tue Apr 3 22:56:33 UTC 2012

tag 666973 + wontfix


shawn escreveu isso aí:
> Package: ruby-pkg-tools
> Severity: wishlist
> It seems to be that it needs to be allowed to build packages only
> against ruby1.9.1,
> which the dependancies of this package does not allow
> ruby-setup1.8 in turn actually just transitions to ruby-setup, which
> allows any version of ruby

Thanks for your report.

However, ruby-pkg-tools is deprecated and is very unlikely that we will
change anything on it anymore.

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>

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