[DRE-maint] Bug#685578: [RFR] templates://chef-solr/{chef-solr.templates}

Justin B Rye jbr at edlug.org.uk
Sat Aug 25 18:01:54 UTC 2012

Christian PERRIER wrote:
> -Description: New password for the 'chef' AMQP user in the RabbitMQ vhost "/chef":
> -  Set the password for the chef user in the AMQP server queue. Use
> -  RabbitMQ's rabbitmqctl program to set this password. The default user
> -  and vhost are assumed (chef and /chef, respectively).
> +_Description: AMQP user password:
> + Please choose the password for the "chef" AMQP user in the RabbitMQ
> + vhost "/chef".

Definitely.  However, this drops the fact that the password will be
set using RabbitMQ's rabbitmqctl program, so that should probably be
clarified below.

> + .
> + As the rabbitmqctl utility does not have the capability to read the
> + password from a file, it this will be passed to it as a quoted string.
Surplus subject, but I'm going to be rewriting it slightly anyway.

> + As a consequence, shell meta-characters, such as the exclamation mark
> + character cause errors.

Just to confuse things, bash(1) defines "metacharacters" to include
only space, tab, and |&;()<> - this is talking about the wider set of
"special characters".

How about:

    RabbitMQ's rabbitmqctl program, which will be used to set this password,
    cannot read input from a file. Instead the password will be passed to it
    as a quoted string, so it must not include any shell special characters
    (such as the exclamation mark) which will cause errors.

> + .
> + The password will be stored in /etc/chef/solr.rb and /etc/chef/server.rb
> + as "amqp_pass".

> Note: I had no courage to review the package description which is a
> nice piece of jargon..:)

My main concern with the package description is that it may already be
getting cobwebby - I understand that Solr is known as Lucene/Solr
these days (since the two Apache projects have been merged).

> Package: chef-solr
> Description: Manages search indexes of Chef node attributes using Solr

Well, I can turn the capitalised verb phrase into something more

  Description: manager for search indexes of Chef node attributes using Solr

It's not obvious where "using Solr" fits into all this, but I'm
guessing it's s "manager (using Solr) for..."

>  The chef indexer listens to a message queue via AMQP for changes to search
>  indexes. It then either creates or deletes entries in the index according
>  to the information it is passed.
>  .
>  This package provides the chef-solr search engine which runs as a solr-jetty
>  server, and chef-solr-indexer that talks to the AMQP message queue, by
>  default rabbitmq-server.

Well, I would change the "that" to a "which" (parallel to the previous
line) and beef up the punctuation slightly:

   This package provides the chef-solr search engine, which runs as a
   solr-jetty server, along with chef-solr-indexer, which talks to the AMQP
   message queue (by default, rabbitmq-server).

That ought in theory to be clearer for any readers who recognise what
all these things mean...
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
-------------- next part --------------
diff -ru old/chef-solr.templates new/chef-solr.templates
--- old/chef-solr.templates	2012-08-22 08:32:03.896411241 +0100
+++ new/chef-solr.templates	2012-08-25 18:51:11.180744973 +0100
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 Template: chef-solr/amqp_password
 Type: password
-Description: New password for the 'chef' AMQP user in the RabbitMQ vhost "/chef":
-  Set the password for the chef user in the AMQP server queue. Use
-  RabbitMQ's rabbitmqctl program to set this password. The default user
-  and vhost are assumed (chef and /chef, respectively).
-  .
-  RabbitMQ does not have the capability to read the password from a file, and
-  this will be passed via "" on the command-line. As such, do not use shell
-  meta-characters that could cause errors such as !.
-  .
-  This will be used in /etc/chef/solr.rb and /etc/chef/server.rb as 'amqp_pass'.
+_Description: AMQP user password:
+ Please choose the password for the "chef" AMQP user in the RabbitMQ
+ vhost "/chef".
+ .
+ RabbitMQ's rabbitmqctl program, which will be used to set this password,
+ cannot read input from a file. Instead the password will be passed to it
+ as a quoted string, so it must not include any shell special characters
+ (such as the exclamation mark) which will cause errors.
+ .
+ The password will be stored in /etc/chef/solr.rb and /etc/chef/server.rb
+ as "amqp_pass".
diff -ru old/control new/control
--- old/control	2012-08-22 08:32:05.092411649 +0100
+++ new/control	2012-08-25 18:51:59.648411381 +0100
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ruby-interpreter, rabbitmq-server (>= 1.6), default-jre-headless | java6-runtime-headless, ruby-json (>= 1.4.6), chef (>= 0.10.10), solr-jetty (>= 1.4.0), ruby-libxml, adduser, ucf
 Replaces: chef-indexer
 Conflicts: chef-indexer
-Description: Manages search indexes of Chef node attributes using Solr
+Description: manager for search indexes of Chef node attributes using Solr
  The chef indexer listens to a message queue via AMQP for changes to search
  indexes. It then either creates or deletes entries in the index according
  to the information it is passed.
- This package provides the chef-solr search engine which runs as a solr-jetty
- server, and chef-solr-indexer that talks to the AMQP message queue, by
- default rabbitmq-server.
+ This package provides the chef-solr search engine, which runs as a
+ solr-jetty server, along with chef-solr-indexer, which talks to the AMQP
+ message queue (by default, rabbitmq-server).
-------------- next part --------------
Template: chef-solr/amqp_password
Type: password
_Description: AMQP user password:
 Please choose the password for the "chef" AMQP user in the RabbitMQ
 vhost "/chef".
 RabbitMQ's rabbitmqctl program, which will be used to set this password,
 cannot read input from a file. Instead the password will be passed to it
 as a quoted string, so it must not include any shell special characters
 (such as the exclamation mark) which will cause errors.
 The password will be stored in /etc/chef/solr.rb and /etc/chef/server.rb
 as "amqp_pass".
-------------- next part --------------
Source: chef-solr
Section: ruby
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers <pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Bryan McLellan <btm at loftninjas.org>
DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), gem2deb (>= 0.3.0~)
Standards-Version: 3.9.2
#Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/pkg-ruby-extras/chef-solr.git
#Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-ruby-extras/chef-solr.git;a=summary
Homepage: http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef
XS-Ruby-Versions: all

Package: chef-solr
Architecture: all
XB-Ruby-Versions: ${ruby:Versions}
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ruby-interpreter, rabbitmq-server (>= 1.6), default-jre-headless | java6-runtime-headless, ruby-json (>= 1.4.6), chef (>= 0.10.10), solr-jetty (>= 1.4.0), ruby-libxml, adduser, ucf
Replaces: chef-indexer
Conflicts: chef-indexer
Description: manager for search indexes of Chef node attributes using Solr
 The chef indexer listens to a message queue via AMQP for changes to search
 indexes. It then either creates or deletes entries in the index according
 to the information it is passed.
 This package provides the chef-solr search engine, which runs as a
 solr-jetty server, along with chef-solr-indexer, which talks to the AMQP
 message queue (by default, rabbitmq-server).

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