[DRE-maint] Bug#686311: rd2 invokes $HOME/bin/ruby

Tanaka Akira akr at fsij.org
Fri Aug 31 00:38:14 UTC 2012

Package: rdtool
Version: 0.6.34-4

rd2 command doesn't work on my environment:

  % rd2 -h
`require': cannot load such file -- rd/rdfmt (LoadError)
	  from /home/akr/ruby/o0/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in
	  from /usr/bin/rd2:30:in `<main>'

This is because I have $HOME/bin/ruby for my development and
rd2 uses /usr/bin/env to invoke ruby.

  % which ruby
  % head -1 /usr/bin/rd2
  #!/usr/bin/env ruby

Invoking rd2 with /usr/bin/ruby works fine:

  % /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/rd2 -h
  Usage: /usr/bin/rd2 [options] rd-file > output
  global options:
      -r, --require=LIB                choose format library.
      -oNAME                           indicate base name of output file
	  --out-code=KCODE             character encoding of output.(jis|euc|sjis|utf8)
	  --output-index               output method index file (*.rmi)
      -I, --include-path=PATH          add PATH to list of include path
	  --with-part=PART             include PART with Filter
	  --from-rdo                   load from *.rdo instead of *.rd
	  --version                    print versions.
	  --help                       print this message

Since rd2 command works only ruby binary with rd library,
I think /usr/bin/env should not be used and
the line should be changed to #!/usr/bin/ruby.

% dpkg -l|grep rdtool
ii  rdtool                                0.6.34-4
      all          RD document formatter
Tanaka Akira

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