[DRE-maint] ruby-ferret_0.11.8.4+debian-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

Debian FTP Masters ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Sat Jun 16 12:04:30 UTC 2012

  to main/r/ruby-ferret/libferret-ruby1.8_0.11.8.4+debian-1_all.deb
  to main/r/ruby-ferret/libferret-ruby_0.11.8.4+debian-1_all.deb
  to main/r/ruby-ferret/ruby-ferret_0.11.8.4+debian-1.debian.tar.gz
  to main/r/ruby-ferret/ruby-ferret_0.11.8.4+debian-1.dsc
  to main/r/ruby-ferret/ruby-ferret_0.11.8.4+debian-1_amd64.deb
  to main/r/ruby-ferret/ruby-ferret_0.11.8.4+debian.orig.tar.gz

ruby-ferret ( unstable; urgency=low
  * New upstream version from a new source
    + the new code fixes format security issues (Closes: #672069)
    + change homepage to https://github.com/jkraemer/ferret/
  * Build for all Ruby versions (Closes: #655636)
    + change depends accordingly
    + do not set shebang of bin/ferret to ruby1.8
  * Repack source to remove convenience copy of bzlib
    + build-dep on libbz2-dev
    + dversionmangle in debian/watch
    + add debian/README.source explaining how to clean the source
  * debian/patches:
    + disable_load_path_manipulation.patch: do not override $LOAD_PATH
    + disable_test_causing_segfault.patch: temporarily disable a test known to
      cause segfaults
    + fix_compatibility_with_minitest.patch: fix a failing test with Ruby1.9
    + use_system_bzlib.patch: adapt the source to use system libbz2
    + fix_typos_in_source_code.patch: correct some spelling errors in the
      source code
    + block_variables_have_local_scopes.patch: fix syntax in
  * Override dh_auto_clean to remove test/temp when cleaning
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes needed)
  * Set priority of transitional packages to extra
  * Add myself to Uploaders:
  * Update copyright to DEP-5 copyright-format/1.0
  * Add TUTORIAL and debian/README.source to documents
  * Override lintian warnings about duplicate descriptions of transitional

Override entries for your package:
libferret-ruby1.8_0.11.8.4+debian-1_all.deb - extra oldlibs
libferret-ruby_0.11.8.4+debian-1_all.deb - extra oldlibs
ruby-ferret_0.11.8.4+debian-1.dsc - source ruby
ruby-ferret_0.11.8.4+debian-1_amd64.deb - optional ruby

Announcing to debian-devel-changes at lists.debian.org
Closing bugs: 655636 672069 

Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

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