[DRE-maint] camping_2.1.498-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental
Debian FTP Masters
ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Sat May 19 19:17:22 UTC 2012
to main/c/camping/camping_2.1.498-1.debian.tar.gz
to main/c/camping/camping_2.1.498-1.dsc
to main/c/camping/camping_2.1.498-1_all.deb
to main/c/camping/camping_2.1.498.orig.tar.gz
camping (2.1.498-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release (closes: #640065).
* Upload this prerelease of Camping version 2.2 to experimental first.
* Source packages adapted according to the new Ruby policy:
- Build for both ruby1.8 and ruby1.9.1 (Closes: #550806)
- Migrated to pkg-ruby-extras git repos. Changed the Vcs-* fields in
debian/control accordingly.
- Changed the depends and recommends to follow the new Ruby
library naming scheme.
* debian/README.Debian: dropped; there is no longer the need to explain
the depend on rails as we can depend on activerecord specifcally now
since the rails splitup.
* debian/NEWS: added to explain the replacement of Markaby by Mab.
* debian/camping.doc-base: added to register generated RDoc documentation.
* debian/control:
- Added a default DM-Upload-Allowed field set to yes.
- Standards-Version bumped to 3.9.3; no changes required.
- Set XS-Ruby-Versions to all.
- Changed the build-depends for using gem2deb instead of ruby-pkg-tools.
- Added build-depends on ruby-rack-test, ruby-mab and ruby-tilt
required for running tests.
- Switched the maintainer with the uploaders field as per new
convention the team is the default maintainer.
- Replaced the dependency on libmarkaby-ruby by ruby-mab.
- Added an alternative depend on ruby-tilt, so the user can choose
between Mab and Tilt.
- Replaced the suggest on mongrel by thin; mongrel is not available
* debian/copyright: reworked to fit the Debian copyright format version 1.0.
* debian/ruby-test.rb: added to run the test apps from test/.
Override entries for your package:
camping_2.1.498-1.dsc - source web
camping_2.1.498-1_all.deb - optional web
Announcing to debian-experimental-changes at lists.debian.org
Announcing to debian-devel-changes at lists.debian.org
Closing bugs: 550806 640065
Thank you for your contribution to Debian.
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