[DRE-maint] Bug#756845: More information on Jekyll startup bug
Dave Steele
dsteele at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 16:48:18 UTC 2014
tags 756845 -moreinfo
Here's moreinfo.
caveat - I don't know Ruby or Jekyll.
Running on up-to-date Jessie.
The error appears to be a subclass request, in
jekyll/converters/sass.rb, of Scss, which isn't defined. The Scss
class is defined in sass.rb, in the same directory. BTW, Ruby doesn't
like it when a 'require scss' is added to sass.rb ('require cannot
load such file).
I don't have any 'RUBY*' environment variables defined, nor any
config.yml's in the working directory path or home directory path.
# dpkg --list | grep jekyll
ii jekyll 2.2.0+dfsg-1
all Simple, blog aware, static site generator
ii ruby-jekyll-coffeescript 1.0.0-1
all CoffeeScript converter for Jekyll
ii ruby-jekyll-gist 1.1.0-1
all Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll
ii ruby-jekyll-paginate 1.0.0-1
all Default pagination generator for Jekyll
ii ruby-jekyll-sass-converter 1.0.0-1
all Basic Sass converter for Jekyll
ii ruby-jekyll-watch 1.0.0-1
$ dpkg --list | grep ruby
ii libruby2.1:amd64 2.1.2-3
amd64 Libraries necessary to run Ruby 2.1
ii ruby 1:
all Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
Ruby (default version)
ii ruby-afm 0.2.2-1
all Ruby library to read Adobe Font Metrics files
ii ruby-ascii85 1.0.2-2
all Ruby library to encode/decode the Ascii85 format
ii ruby-blankslate
all Ruby library providing a class with no predefined
ii ruby-celluloid 0.15.2-2
all actor-based concurrent object framework for ruby
ii ruby-classifier 1.3.4-1
all Ruby module to allow Bayesian and other types of
ii ruby-coderay 1.1.0-1
all Ruby library for syntax highlighting
ii ruby-coffee-script 2.2.0-2
all Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
ii ruby-coffee-script-source 1.3.3-2
all CoffeeScript Compiler - Ruby integration
ii ruby-colorator 0.1-3
all String core extensions for terminal coloring
ii ruby-execjs 2.2.1-1
all Run JavaScript code from Ruby
ii ruby-fast-stemmer 1.0.2-1+b3
amd64 Fast Porter stemmer based on a C version of
algorithm for Ruby
ii ruby-ffi 1.9.3debian-2
amd64 load dynamic libraries, bind functions from within
ruby code
ii ruby-gsl 1.15.3+dfsg-2+b1
amd64 Ruby bindings for the GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
ii ruby-hashery 2.1.1-1
all facets-bread collection of Hash-like classes
ii ruby-jekyll-coffeescript 1.0.0-1
all CoffeeScript converter for Jekyll
ii ruby-jekyll-gist 1.1.0-1
all Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll
ii ruby-jekyll-paginate 1.0.0-1
all Default pagination generator for Jekyll
ii ruby-jekyll-sass-converter 1.0.0-1
all Basic Sass converter for Jekyll
ii ruby-jekyll-watch 1.0.0-1
all Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes
ii ruby-json 1.8.1-1+b1
amd64 JSON library for Ruby
ii ruby-kramdown 1.4.1-1
all Fast, pure-Ruby Markdown-superset converter
ii ruby-liquid 2.6.1-1
all Ruby library for rendering safe HTML and email
ii ruby-listen 2.4.0-4
all Ruby library listening to file modifications
ii ruby-mercenary 0.3.4-1
all Lightweight and flexible library for writing
command-line apps in Ruby
ii ruby-multi-json 1.10.0-1
all Ruby library to provide easy switching between
different JSON backends
ii ruby-mysql 2.8.2+gem2deb-4+b2
amd64 MySQL module for Ruby
ii ruby-narray
amd64 Numerical N-dimensional Array library for Ruby
ii ruby-oj 2.9.4-1
amd64 fast JSON parser and serializer for Ruby
ii ruby-parslet 1.6.1-1
all Parser construction library with great error
reporting in Ruby
ii ruby-pdf-core 0.2.5-2
all Ruby library to render PDF documents
ii ruby-pdf-reader 1.3.3-1
all Ruby library for accessing the content of PDF files
ii ruby-pg 0.17.1-1
amd64 PostgreSQL interface for Ruby
ii ruby-posix-spawn 0.3.8-2
amd64 Ruby Implementation of posix_spawn(2) for faster
process spawning
ii ruby-prawn 1.0.0+dfsg-1
all Fast, nimble PDF generation library for Ruby
ii ruby-pygments.rb 0.5.4~ds1-1
all pygments wrapper for Ruby
ii ruby-rb-inotify 0.9.5-1
all Ruby wrapper for Linux's inotify
ii ruby-rc4 0.1.5-2
all Ruby library implementing the RC4 algorithm
ii ruby-redcarpet 3.1.2-1
amd64 Fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
for Ruby
ii ruby-rouge 1.5.1-1
all Pure-Ruby syntax highlighter compatible with
ii ruby-safe-yaml 1.0.3-1
all safer YAML loader for Ruby
ii ruby-sass 3.3.4+really.3.2.19-3
all powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun
ii ruby-sequel 4.11.0-1
all Simple, flexible, and powerful SQL database access
toolkit for Ruby
ii ruby-sequel-pg 1.6.9-1
amd64 Faster SELECTs when using Sequel with pg
ii ruby-stringex 2.5.2-1
all Some useful extensions to Ruby's String class
ii ruby-timers 1.1.0-2
all pure Ruby timer collections
ii ruby-toml 0.1.1-1
all TOML Parser library for Ruby
ii ruby-ttfunk 1.1.0+dfsg-1
all Ruby library to parse TrueType font metrics
ii ruby-yajl 1.2.0-2+b1
amd64 Ruby interface to Yajl, a JSON stream-based parser
ii ruby2.1 2.1.2-3
amd64 Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
ii rubygems-integration 1.7
all integration of Debian Ruby packages with Rubygems
"Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien" - Voltaire
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