[DRE-maint] Maintaining ruby-passenger in wheezy-backports?

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Fri Feb 14 20:49:27 UTC 2014

Hi Ruby Extras Maintainers,

Micah and I would like to see Jessie's Passenger in wheezy-backports.
This requires backporting ruby-mizuho too.

I have done the initial backporting work on the wheezy-backports
branch in there:


The resulting backports are now running in pre-production, and will
soon see quite a lot of hits going through them.

Micah is volunteering to maintain these backports as long as Wheezy is
supported (needless to say, I don't think he would mind any bit of
help). Are you fine with this?

Do you want to have a look to the changes I had to do to make these
things build on Wheezy, before the initial upload?

Thank you for maintaining Passenger in Debian!

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