[DRE-maint] Bug#712954: Bug#712954: 1.4.3

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at debian.org
Fri Jan 24 14:27:48 UTC 2014

Axel Wagner:
> It has been quite a while since jekyll has been updated. Some releases
> also contain security fixes. Since I would like to use jekyll in
> $dayjob, I am quite interested in a good health of this package. So if
> the delay in uploading new versions is for a lack of manpower, I would
> gladly commit some time to this.

Please do! :)

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the innerworkings on <https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby> and
<https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging> for the packaging side.

Lunar                                .''`. 
lunar at debian.org                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 
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