[DRE-maint] Bug#747736: FTBFS: Test "ruby2.1" failed. Exiting.

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at gwolf.org
Fri Jun 27 02:00:41 UTC 2014

tags 747736 + unreproducible


I have attempted to build this package on a clean chroot, and found no
problem (and thus would like to confirm with you whether this RC bug
report can be closed).

What I found in your failure build log is that all of the failing
tests I checked mention:

  1) Error:
Errno::EADDRINUSE: Address already in use - listen(2)

Now, the tests bind to a port in localhost — The "setup_server"
function in test_http-access2.rb begins with:

  def setup_server
    @server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(
      :BindAddress => "localhost",
      :Logger => @logger,
      :Port => 0,
      :AccessLog => [],
      :DocumentRoot => File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__))
    @serverport = @server.config[:Port]

I do feel odd the fact that it declares ":Port => 0" — But then again,
it fails to make the build fail either in my regular work environment
or in a clean chroot.

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