[DRE-maint] Bug#778303: chef: Memory leak
Piotr Pańczyk
piotr.panczyk at assecobs.pl
Thu Mar 5 09:36:24 UTC 2015
Hello Antonio,
I think the simple, ad ad-hoc solution can be changing the default logrotate period from a week to a day, which would slightly reduce the amount of wasted memory, as logrotate restarts the daemon.
The problem is quite serious for us, especially on servers running a lot of virtual machines. If you manage to apply the commits related to the forking behaviour, I can test the package for you.
On 22.02.2015 03:16, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
Hello Piotr,
On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 03:56:38PM +0100, Piotr Pańczyk wrote:
Hello Antonio,
On 13.02.2015 14:29, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
Would you by any chance be able to identify the upstream commit that
introduced the fix? If so, I can try backporting that and releasing a
stable update.
I think this is it:
I was looking at this, and there a few issues:
- that commit does not apply clean on the wheezy chef tree.
- there are are a few other commits in the upstream history related to
the forking behaviour, so I think there were a few issues with this
it. I have the the impression that it is too risky to pull this into a
stable branch, and I won't have to spare cycles to handle the breakage
that will probably come.
- I only use chef-solo, so testing this would a little difficult for me.
Piotr Pańczyk
Asseco Business Solutions S.A.
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