[DRE-maint] Bug#800108: gem2deb: permanently broken when cache is missing

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at debian.org
Sun Sep 27 16:40:00 UTC 2015

Control: tag -1 + unreproducible moreinfo


On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 10:17:51PM +0000, brian m. carlson wrote:
> Package: gem2deb
> Version: 0.21.1
> Severity: normal
> When I run gem2deb, it complains about the cache missing and says it
> will be rebuilt the next time.  However, it never does so and it refuses
> to work without it:
>   vauxhall ok % gem2deb twofish-1.0.5.gem
>   -- Creating source tarball from twofish-1.0.5.gem ...
>   tar xfm /home/bmc/tmp/gem/twofish-1.0.5.gem
>   "tar xzfm data.tar.gz"
>   "zcat metadata.gz > metadata.yml"
>   tar czf /home/bmc/tmp/gem/twofish-1.0.5.tar.gz twofish-1.0.5
>   -- Successfully created ./twofish-1.0.5.tar.gz
>   -- Creating Debian source package from ./twofish-1.0.5.tar.gz ...
>   E: Failed to load "gem name to package name" cache from
>      /home/bmc/.cache/gem2deb/gem_to_packages.yaml
>   I: The existing cache was removed and will be rebuilt next time.
>   I: please try again.
> Running the same command again results in the same behavior.
> After looking at the source code, running the following command seems to
> fix it:
>   printf '---\n{}\n' > ~/.cache/gem2deb/gem_to_packages.yaml

I tried in several ways, by removing my cache, adding garbage to it,
both on my main system with my own user account and on a clean chroot
with a freshly-created user account and no previous apt-file data, and
couldn't reproduce this. Everytime I do get the invalid cache error, but
the cache _is_ rebuilt the next time.

Can you provide a list of steps that will reproduce this?

Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
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