[DRE-maint] Bug#820939: Non-free file test/srgb.icm

Christian Hofstaedtler zeha at debian.org
Wed Apr 13 19:28:31 UTC 2016

Package: ruby-rmagick
Version: 2.15.4-2

Building ruby-rmagick yields this lintian problem:

E: license-problem-md5sum-non-free-file test/srgb.icm usual name is sRGB.icm. This file may not be distributed without fee if modified. See also https://bugs.debian.org/657281.
N:    The following file is not suitable for main or contrib.
N:    Please re-package the package without the file (if possible) or ask the
N:    FTP-masters to remove the package.
N:    You could also split this package and move this file into the non-free
N:    archive.
N:    If this is a false-positive, please report a bug against Lintian.
N:    Severity: serious, Certainty: certain
N:    Check: cruft, Type: source

 ,''`.  Christian Hofstaedtler <zeha at debian.org>
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   7D1A CFFA D9E0 806C 9C4C  D392 5C13 D6DB 9305 2E03

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