[DRE-maint] Bug#813271: diaspora-installer: fails to install: post-installation script returned error exit status 127
Andreas Beckmann
anbe at debian.org
Sun Jan 31 01:24:25 UTC 2016
Package: diaspora-installer
Severity: serious
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: piuparts
during a test with piuparts I noticed your package failed to install. As
per definition of the release team this makes the package too buggy for
a release, thus the severity.
>From the attached log (scroll to the bottom...):
Selecting previously unselected package diaspora-installer.
Preparing to unpack .../diaspora-installer_0.5.3.0+debian1_all.deb ...
You already have a PostgreSQL database named 'diaspora_production'...
Unpacking diaspora-installer ( ...
Setting up diaspora-installer ( ...
Download diaspora tarball version from github.com...
--2016-01-24 17:05:34-- https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/archive/v0.5.3.0.tar.gz
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://codeload.github.com/diaspora/diaspora/tar.gz/v0.5.3.0 [following]
--2016-01-24 17:05:34-- https://codeload.github.com/diaspora/diaspora/tar.gz/v0.5.3.0
Resolving codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)...
Connecting to codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: '/var/cache/diaspora-installer/diaspora-'
/var/cach [<=> ] 0 --.-KB/s
/var/cache [ <=> ] 83.87K 300KB/s
/var/cache/ [ <=> ] 546.67K 1.11MB/s
/var/cache/d [ <=> ] 1.92M 2.82MB/s
/var/cache/diaspora [ <=> ] 2.65M 3.55MB/s in 0.7s
2016-01-24 17:05:36 (3.55 MB/s) - '/var/cache/diaspora-installer/diaspora-' saved [2776158]
Extracting files...
Copying files to /usr/share/diaspora...
diaspora archive to copy: diaspora-
Copying source tarball to /usr/share/diaspora/public...
Setting up environment varibales...
Using /etc/diaspora.conf...
export RAILS_ENV=production
export DB=postgres
RAILS_ENV=production DB=postgres ENVIRONMENT_URL=https://localhost
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 6%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 13%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 19%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 25%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 31%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 38%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 44%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 50%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 56%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 62%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 69%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 75%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 81%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 87%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 94%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem (100%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.11.2
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.11.2
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.11.2
Done installing documentation for bundler after 10 seconds
1 gem installed
Installing gems with rubygems ...
Fetching gem metadata from https://rails-assets.org/...
Fetching version metadata from https://rails-assets.org/..
Fetching gem metadata from https://rails-assets.org/...
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/........
Fetching version metadata from https://rails-assets.org/..
Fetching version metadata from https://rubygems.org/...
Fetching dependency metadata from https://rails-assets.org/..
Fetching dependency metadata from https://rubygems.org/..
Resolving dependencies.................
Using rake 10.4.2
[32mInstalling CFPropertyList 2.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling i18n 0.7.0[0m
[32mInstalling json 1.8.3 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling minitest 5.8.0[0m
[32mInstalling thread_safe 0.3.5[0m
[32mInstalling builder 3.2.2[0m
[32mInstalling erubis 2.7.0[0m
[32mInstalling mini_portile 0.6.2[0m
[32mInstalling rack 1.6.4[0m
[32mInstalling mime-types 2.6.1[0m
[32mInstalling arel 6.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling addressable 2.3.8[0m
[32mInstalling excon 0.45.4[0m
[32mInstalling formatador 0.2.5[0m
[32mInstalling net-ssh 2.9.2[0m
[32mInstalling multi_json 1.11.2[0m
[32mInstalling ipaddress 0.8.0[0m
[32mInstalling inflecto 0.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling unf_ext with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling execjs 2.6.0[0m
[32mInstalling coffee-script-source[0m
[32mInstalling eco-source 1.1.0.rc.1[0m
[32mInstalling ejs 1.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling thor 0.19.1[0m
[32mInstalling bcrypt 3.1.10 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling sass 3.4.16[0m
[32mInstalling buftok 0.2.0[0m
Using bundler 1.11.2
[32mInstalling hitimes 1.2.2 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling nio4r 1.1.1 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling chunky_png 1.3.4[0m
[32mInstalling rb-fsevent 0.9.5[0m
[32mInstalling ffi 1.9.10 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling hike 1.2.3[0m
[32mInstalling tilt 1.4.1[0m
[32mInstalling configurate 0.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling connection_pool 2.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling orm_adapter 0.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling eventmachine 1.0.8 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling hiredis 0.5.2 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling http_parser.rb 0.6.0 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling multipart-post 2.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling valid 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling equalizer 0.0.11[0m
[32mInstalling sigar 0.7.3 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling state_machine 1.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling request_store 1.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling hashie 3.4.2[0m
[32mInstalling http_accept_language 2.0.5[0m
[32mInstalling ice_cube 0.11.1[0m
[32mInstalling jwt 1.5.1[0m
[32mInstalling kgio 2.9.3 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling little-plugger 1.1.3[0m
[32mInstalling systemu 2.6.5[0m
[32mInstalling redcarpet 3.3.2 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling messagebus_ruby_api 1.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling mini_magick 4.2.7[0m
[32mInstalling multi_xml 0.5.5[0m
[32mInstalling naught 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling nested_form 0.3.2[0m
[32mInstalling oauth 0.4.7[0m
[32mInstalling pg 0.18.2 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling rack-cors 0.4.0[0m
[32mInstalling rack-piwik 0.3.0[0m
[32mInstalling rack-rewrite 1.5.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery 1.11.2[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-favico.js 0.3.9[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery-fullscreen-plugin 0.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-highlightjs 8.6.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it 4.4.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it--markdown-it-for-inline 0.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-diaspora-mention 0.3.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-hashtag 0.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-sanitizer 0.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-sub 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-sup 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-perfect-scrollbar 0.6.4[0m
[32mInstalling remotipart 1.2.1[0m
[32mInstalling safe_yaml 1.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling raindrops 0.15.0 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling redis 3.2.1[0m
[32mInstalling ruby-oembed 0.8.14[0m
[32mInstalling rubyzip 1.1.7[0m
[32mInstalling simple_oauth 0.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling will_paginate 3.0.7[0m
[32mInstalling fission 0.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling i18n-inflector 2.6.7[0m
[32mInstalling tzinfo 1.2.2[0m
[32mInstalling memoizable 0.4.2[0m
[32mInstalling nokogiri with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling rack-test 0.6.3[0m
[32mInstalling warden 1.2.3[0m
[32mInstalling rack-mobile-detect 0.4.0[0m
[32mInstalling rack-protection 1.5.3[0m
[32mInstalling rack-ssl 1.4.1[0m
[32mInstalling mail 2.6.3[0m
[32mInstalling json-schema 2.5.1[0m
[32mInstalling net-scp 1.2.1[0m
[32mInstalling unf 0.1.4[0m
[32mInstalling autoprefixer-rails[0m
[32mInstalling uglifier 2.7.2[0m
[32mInstalling coffee-script 2.4.1[0m
[32mInstalling bootstrap-sass[0m
[32mInstalling compass-core 1.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling compass-import-once 1.0.5[0m
[32mInstalling timers 4.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling rb-inotify 0.9.5[0m
[32mInstalling ethon 0.7.4[0m
[32mInstalling sprockets 2.12.4[0m
[32mInstalling haml 4.0.6[0m
[32mInstalling em-hiredis 0.3.0[0m
[32mInstalling http 0.6.4[0m
[32mInstalling faraday 0.9.1[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth 1.2.2[0m
[32mInstalling logging 2.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling macaddr 1.7.1[0m
[32mInstalling markerb 1.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-colorbox 1.6.3[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery.slimscroll 1.3.6[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery.ui 1.11.4[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jakobmattsson--jquery-elastic 1.6.11[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jeresig--jquery.hotkeys 0.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery-placeholder 2.1.2[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery-textchange 0.2.3[0m
[32mInstalling unicorn 4.9.0 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling redis-namespace 1.5.2[0m
[32mInstalling activesupport 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling loofah 2.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling rack-pjax 0.8.0[0m
[32mInstalling sinatra 1.4.6[0m
[32mInstalling fog-core 1.32.0[0m
[32mInstalling domain_name 0.5.24[0m
[32mInstalling twitter-text 1.12.0[0m
[32mInstalling eco 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling celluloid 0.16.0[0m
[32mInstalling compass 1.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling typhoeus 0.7.2[0m
[32mInstalling handlebars_assets 0.20.2[0m
[32mInstalling faraday_middleware 0.10.0[0m
[32mInstalling oauth2 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling open_graph_reader 0.6.1[0m
[32mInstalling twitter 5.14.0[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-oauth 1.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling logging-rails 0.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling uuid 2.3.8[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-diaspora_jsxc 0.1.4.alpha.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-deprecated_sanitizer 1.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling globalid 0.3.6[0m
[32mInstalling activemodel 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling roxml 3.1.6[0m
[32mInstalling rails-html-sanitizer 1.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling fog-xml 0.1.2[0m
[32mInstalling fog-json 1.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling fog-local 0.2.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog-vmfusion 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling http-cookie 1.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling celluloid-io 0.16.2[0m
[32mInstalling sidekiq 3.4.2[0m
[32mInstalling diaspora_federation 0.0.6[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-oauth2 1.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-tumblr 1.1[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-twitter 1.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-dom-testing 1.0.7[0m
[32mInstalling activejob 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling active_model_serializers 0.9.3[0m
[32mInstalling activerecord 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling acts_as_api 0.4.2[0m
[32mInstalling carrierwave 0.10.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-atmos 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-ecloud 0.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog-profitbricks 0.0.5[0m
[32mInstalling fog-terremark 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-voxel 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-aws 0.7.3[0m
[32mInstalling fog-brightbox 0.8.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-google 0.0.7[0m
[32mInstalling fog-powerdns 0.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog-radosgw 0.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling fog-riakcs 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-sakuracloud 1.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog-serverlove 0.1.2[0m
[32mInstalling fog-softlayer 0.4.7[0m
[32mInstalling fog-storm_on_demand 0.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling faraday-cookie_jar 0.0.6[0m
[32mInstalling eye 0.7.pre[0m
[32mInstalling sidetiq 0.6.3[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-facebook 2.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-wordpress 0.2.2[0m
[32mInstalling actionview 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling activerecord-import 0.10.0[0m
[32mInstalling acts-as-taggable-on 3.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling diaspora-vines 0.2.0.develop.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog 1.32.0[0m
[32mInstalling actionpack 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling asset_sync 1.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling actionmailer 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling railties 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling sprockets-rails 2.3.2[0m
[32mInstalling gon 6.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling kaminari 0.16.3[0m
[32mInstalling rack-google-analytics 1.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-timeago 2.11.0[0m
[32mInstalling jquery-rails 4.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling coffee-rails 4.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling responders 2.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling entypo-rails 2.2.3[0m
[32mInstalling facebox-rails 0.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling font-awesome-rails[0m
[32mInstalling i18n-inflector-rails 1.0.7[0m
[32mInstalling jquery-ui-rails 5.0.5[0m
[32mInstalling rails-i18n 4.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling sass-rails 5.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling js-routes 1.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling backbone-on-rails[0m
[32mInstalling devise 3.5.1[0m
[32mInstalling compass-rails 2.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling diaspora_federation-rails 0.0.6[0m
[32mInstalling js_image_paths 0.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling mobile-fu 1.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails_admin 0.7.0[0m
[32mInstalling simple_captcha2 0.3.4[0m
[32mInstalling devise-token_authenticatable 0.4.0[0m
[32mInstalling devise_lastseenable 0.0.6[0m
[32mBundle complete! 126 Gemfile dependencies, 225 gems now installed.[0m
[32mGems in the groups development and test were not installed.[0m
[32mBundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle.[0m
[32mPost-install message from haml:[0m
HEADS UP! Haml 4.0 has many improvements, but also has changes that may break
your application:
* Support for Ruby 1.8.6 dropped
* Support for Rails 2 dropped
* Sass filter now always outputs <style> tags
* Data attributes are now hyphenated, not underscored
* html2haml utility moved to the html2haml gem
* Textile and Maruku filters moved to the haml-contrib gem
For more info see:
[32mPost-install message from rails-assets-jquery.ui:[0m
This component doesn't define main assets in bower.json.
Please open new pull request in component's repository:
[32mPost-install message from compass:[0m
Compass is charityware. If you love it, please donate on our behalf at http://umdf.org/compass Thanks!
[32mPost-install message from handlebars_assets:[0m
Remember to rake assets:clean or rake assets:purge on update!
[32mPost-install message from acts-as-taggable-on:[0m
When upgrading
Re-run the migrations generator
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:install:migrations
This will create any new migrations and skip existing ones
Version 3.5.0 has a migration for mysql adapter
Running final rake tasks...
Initializing database...
[31mbundler: command not found: rake[0m
[33mInstall missing gem executables with `bundle install`[0m
dpkg: error processing package diaspora-installer (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
13m30.4s ERROR: Command failed (status=100): ['chroot', '/tmp/piupartss/tmpEevYla', 'apt-get', '-y', 'install', 'diaspora-installer=']
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 6012 B of archives.
After this operation, 18.4 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian stretch/contrib i386 diaspora-installer all [6012 B]
debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
Fetched 6012 B in 0s (150 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package diaspora-installer.
(Reading database ...
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 32446 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../diaspora-installer_0.5.3.0+debian1_all.deb ...
You already have a PostgreSQL database named 'diaspora_production'...
Unpacking diaspora-installer ( ...
Setting up diaspora-installer ( ...
Download diaspora tarball version from github.com...
--2016-01-24 17:05:34-- https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/archive/v0.5.3.0.tar.gz
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://codeload.github.com/diaspora/diaspora/tar.gz/v0.5.3.0 [following]
--2016-01-24 17:05:34-- https://codeload.github.com/diaspora/diaspora/tar.gz/v0.5.3.0
Resolving codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)...
Connecting to codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: '/var/cache/diaspora-installer/diaspora-'
/var/cach [<=> ] 0 --.-KB/s
/var/cache [ <=> ] 83.87K 300KB/s
/var/cache/ [ <=> ] 546.67K 1.11MB/s
/var/cache/d [ <=> ] 1.92M 2.82MB/s
/var/cache/diaspora [ <=> ] 2.65M 3.55MB/s in 0.7s
2016-01-24 17:05:36 (3.55 MB/s) - '/var/cache/diaspora-installer/diaspora-' saved [2776158]
Extracting files...
Copying files to /usr/share/diaspora...
diaspora archive to copy: diaspora-
Copying source tarball to /usr/share/diaspora/public...
Setting up environment varibales...
Using /etc/diaspora.conf...
export RAILS_ENV=production
export DB=postgres
RAILS_ENV=production DB=postgres ENVIRONMENT_URL=https://localhost
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 6%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 13%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 19%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 25%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 31%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 38%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 44%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 50%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 56%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 62%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 69%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 75%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 81%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 87%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem ( 94%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem (100%)
Fetching: bundler-1.11.2.gem (100%)
Successfully installed bundler-1.11.2
Parsing documentation for bundler-1.11.2
Installing ri documentation for bundler-1.11.2
Done installing documentation for bundler after 10 seconds
1 gem installed
Installing gems with rubygems ...
Fetching gem metadata from https://rails-assets.org/...
Fetching version metadata from https://rails-assets.org/..
Fetching gem metadata from https://rails-assets.org/...
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/........
Fetching version metadata from https://rails-assets.org/..
Fetching version metadata from https://rubygems.org/...
Fetching dependency metadata from https://rails-assets.org/..
Fetching dependency metadata from https://rubygems.org/..
Resolving dependencies.................
Using rake 10.4.2
[32mInstalling CFPropertyList 2.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling i18n 0.7.0[0m
[32mInstalling json 1.8.3 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling minitest 5.8.0[0m
[32mInstalling thread_safe 0.3.5[0m
[32mInstalling builder 3.2.2[0m
[32mInstalling erubis 2.7.0[0m
[32mInstalling mini_portile 0.6.2[0m
[32mInstalling rack 1.6.4[0m
[32mInstalling mime-types 2.6.1[0m
[32mInstalling arel 6.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling addressable 2.3.8[0m
[32mInstalling excon 0.45.4[0m
[32mInstalling formatador 0.2.5[0m
[32mInstalling net-ssh 2.9.2[0m
[32mInstalling multi_json 1.11.2[0m
[32mInstalling ipaddress 0.8.0[0m
[32mInstalling inflecto 0.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling unf_ext with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling execjs 2.6.0[0m
[32mInstalling coffee-script-source[0m
[32mInstalling eco-source 1.1.0.rc.1[0m
[32mInstalling ejs 1.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling thor 0.19.1[0m
[32mInstalling bcrypt 3.1.10 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling sass 3.4.16[0m
[32mInstalling buftok 0.2.0[0m
Using bundler 1.11.2
[32mInstalling hitimes 1.2.2 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling nio4r 1.1.1 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling chunky_png 1.3.4[0m
[32mInstalling rb-fsevent 0.9.5[0m
[32mInstalling ffi 1.9.10 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling hike 1.2.3[0m
[32mInstalling tilt 1.4.1[0m
[32mInstalling configurate 0.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling connection_pool 2.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling orm_adapter 0.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling eventmachine 1.0.8 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling hiredis 0.5.2 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling http_parser.rb 0.6.0 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling multipart-post 2.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling valid 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling equalizer 0.0.11[0m
[32mInstalling sigar 0.7.3 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling state_machine 1.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling request_store 1.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling hashie 3.4.2[0m
[32mInstalling http_accept_language 2.0.5[0m
[32mInstalling ice_cube 0.11.1[0m
[32mInstalling jwt 1.5.1[0m
[32mInstalling kgio 2.9.3 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling little-plugger 1.1.3[0m
[32mInstalling systemu 2.6.5[0m
[32mInstalling redcarpet 3.3.2 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling messagebus_ruby_api 1.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling mini_magick 4.2.7[0m
[32mInstalling multi_xml 0.5.5[0m
[32mInstalling naught 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling nested_form 0.3.2[0m
[32mInstalling oauth 0.4.7[0m
[32mInstalling pg 0.18.2 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling rack-cors 0.4.0[0m
[32mInstalling rack-piwik 0.3.0[0m
[32mInstalling rack-rewrite 1.5.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery 1.11.2[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-favico.js 0.3.9[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery-fullscreen-plugin 0.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-highlightjs 8.6.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it 4.4.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it--markdown-it-for-inline 0.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-diaspora-mention 0.3.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-hashtag 0.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-sanitizer 0.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-sub 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-markdown-it-sup 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-perfect-scrollbar 0.6.4[0m
[32mInstalling remotipart 1.2.1[0m
[32mInstalling safe_yaml 1.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling raindrops 0.15.0 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling redis 3.2.1[0m
[32mInstalling ruby-oembed 0.8.14[0m
[32mInstalling rubyzip 1.1.7[0m
[32mInstalling simple_oauth 0.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling will_paginate 3.0.7[0m
[32mInstalling fission 0.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling i18n-inflector 2.6.7[0m
[32mInstalling tzinfo 1.2.2[0m
[32mInstalling memoizable 0.4.2[0m
[32mInstalling nokogiri with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling rack-test 0.6.3[0m
[32mInstalling warden 1.2.3[0m
[32mInstalling rack-mobile-detect 0.4.0[0m
[32mInstalling rack-protection 1.5.3[0m
[32mInstalling rack-ssl 1.4.1[0m
[32mInstalling mail 2.6.3[0m
[32mInstalling json-schema 2.5.1[0m
[32mInstalling net-scp 1.2.1[0m
[32mInstalling unf 0.1.4[0m
[32mInstalling autoprefixer-rails[0m
[32mInstalling uglifier 2.7.2[0m
[32mInstalling coffee-script 2.4.1[0m
[32mInstalling bootstrap-sass[0m
[32mInstalling compass-core 1.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling compass-import-once 1.0.5[0m
[32mInstalling timers 4.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling rb-inotify 0.9.5[0m
[32mInstalling ethon 0.7.4[0m
[32mInstalling sprockets 2.12.4[0m
[32mInstalling haml 4.0.6[0m
[32mInstalling em-hiredis 0.3.0[0m
[32mInstalling http 0.6.4[0m
[32mInstalling faraday 0.9.1[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth 1.2.2[0m
[32mInstalling logging 2.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling macaddr 1.7.1[0m
[32mInstalling markerb 1.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-colorbox 1.6.3[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery.slimscroll 1.3.6[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery.ui 1.11.4[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jakobmattsson--jquery-elastic 1.6.11[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jeresig--jquery.hotkeys 0.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery-placeholder 2.1.2[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-jquery-textchange 0.2.3[0m
[32mInstalling unicorn 4.9.0 with native extensions[0m
[32mInstalling redis-namespace 1.5.2[0m
[32mInstalling activesupport 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling loofah 2.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling rack-pjax 0.8.0[0m
[32mInstalling sinatra 1.4.6[0m
[32mInstalling fog-core 1.32.0[0m
[32mInstalling domain_name 0.5.24[0m
[32mInstalling twitter-text 1.12.0[0m
[32mInstalling eco 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling celluloid 0.16.0[0m
[32mInstalling compass 1.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling typhoeus 0.7.2[0m
[32mInstalling handlebars_assets 0.20.2[0m
[32mInstalling faraday_middleware 0.10.0[0m
[32mInstalling oauth2 1.0.0[0m
[32mInstalling open_graph_reader 0.6.1[0m
[32mInstalling twitter 5.14.0[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-oauth 1.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling logging-rails 0.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling uuid 2.3.8[0m
[32mInstalling rails-assets-diaspora_jsxc 0.1.4.alpha.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails-deprecated_sanitizer 1.0.3[0m
[32mInstalling globalid 0.3.6[0m
[32mInstalling activemodel 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling roxml 3.1.6[0m
[32mInstalling rails-html-sanitizer 1.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling fog-xml 0.1.2[0m
[32mInstalling fog-json 1.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling fog-local 0.2.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog-vmfusion 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling http-cookie 1.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling celluloid-io 0.16.2[0m
[32mInstalling sidekiq 3.4.2[0m
[32mInstalling diaspora_federation 0.0.6[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-oauth2 1.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-tumblr 1.1[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-twitter 1.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-dom-testing 1.0.7[0m
[32mInstalling activejob 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling active_model_serializers 0.9.3[0m
[32mInstalling activerecord 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling acts_as_api 0.4.2[0m
[32mInstalling carrierwave 0.10.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-atmos 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-ecloud 0.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog-profitbricks 0.0.5[0m
[32mInstalling fog-terremark 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-voxel 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-aws 0.7.3[0m
[32mInstalling fog-brightbox 0.8.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-google 0.0.7[0m
[32mInstalling fog-powerdns 0.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog-radosgw 0.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling fog-riakcs 0.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling fog-sakuracloud 1.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog-serverlove 0.1.2[0m
[32mInstalling fog-softlayer 0.4.7[0m
[32mInstalling fog-storm_on_demand 0.1.1[0m
[32mInstalling faraday-cookie_jar 0.0.6[0m
[32mInstalling eye 0.7.pre[0m
[32mInstalling sidetiq 0.6.3[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-facebook 2.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling omniauth-wordpress 0.2.2[0m
[32mInstalling actionview 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling activerecord-import 0.10.0[0m
[32mInstalling acts-as-taggable-on 3.5.0[0m
[32mInstalling diaspora-vines 0.2.0.develop.1[0m
[32mInstalling fog 1.32.0[0m
[32mInstalling actionpack 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling asset_sync 1.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling actionmailer 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling railties 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling sprockets-rails 2.3.2[0m
[32mInstalling gon 6.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling kaminari 0.16.3[0m
[32mInstalling rack-google-analytics 1.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling rails-timeago 2.11.0[0m
[32mInstalling jquery-rails 4.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling coffee-rails 4.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling responders 2.1.0[0m
[32mInstalling entypo-rails 2.2.3[0m
[32mInstalling facebox-rails 0.2.0[0m
[32mInstalling font-awesome-rails[0m
[32mInstalling i18n-inflector-rails 1.0.7[0m
[32mInstalling jquery-ui-rails 5.0.5[0m
[32mInstalling rails-i18n 4.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling sass-rails 5.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails 4.2.4[0m
[32mInstalling js-routes 1.0.1[0m
[32mInstalling backbone-on-rails[0m
[32mInstalling devise 3.5.1[0m
[32mInstalling compass-rails 2.0.4[0m
[32mInstalling diaspora_federation-rails 0.0.6[0m
[32mInstalling js_image_paths 0.0.2[0m
[32mInstalling mobile-fu 1.3.1[0m
[32mInstalling rails_admin 0.7.0[0m
[32mInstalling simple_captcha2 0.3.4[0m
[32mInstalling devise-token_authenticatable 0.4.0[0m
[32mInstalling devise_lastseenable 0.0.6[0m
[32mBundle complete! 126 Gemfile dependencies, 225 gems now installed.[0m
[32mGems in the groups development and test were not installed.[0m
[32mBundled gems are installed into ./vendor/bundle.[0m
[32mPost-install message from haml:[0m
HEADS UP! Haml 4.0 has many improvements, but also has changes that may break
your application:
* Support for Ruby 1.8.6 dropped
* Support for Rails 2 dropped
* Sass filter now always outputs <style> tags
* Data attributes are now hyphenated, not underscored
* html2haml utility moved to the html2haml gem
* Textile and Maruku filters moved to the haml-contrib gem
For more info see:
[32mPost-install message from rails-assets-jquery.ui:[0m
This component doesn't define main assets in bower.json.
Please open new pull request in component's repository:
[32mPost-install message from compass:[0m
Compass is charityware. If you love it, please donate on our behalf at http://umdf.org/compass Thanks!
[32mPost-install message from handlebars_assets:[0m
Remember to rake assets:clean or rake assets:purge on update!
[32mPost-install message from acts-as-taggable-on:[0m
When upgrading
Re-run the migrations generator
rake acts_as_taggable_on_engine:install:migrations
This will create any new migrations and skip existing ones
Version 3.5.0 has a migration for mysql adapter
Running final rake tasks...
Initializing database...
[31mbundler: command not found: rake[0m
[33mInstall missing gem executables with `bundle install`[0m
dpkg: error processing package diaspora-installer (--configure):
subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127
Errors were encountered while processing:
-------------- next part --------------
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