[DRE-maint] stable-backport for asciidoctor

Afif Elghraoui afif at ghraoui.name
Thu Mar 31 06:04:17 UTC 2016

I understand that recent versions of asciidoctor have the capability to
generate manpages. One package that I maintain for jessie-backports
started doing so as well. I cannot continue to maintain the backport
without a newer version of asciidoctor available in jessie unless I
modify them to use another system.

Users might also benefit from the backport, seeing as there is a big
version jump between the version in jessie and testing/unstable. Would
someone mind uploading it to jessie-backports?

Many thanks for everything you do


Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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