[DRE-maint] Bug#841576: ruby-yell: FTBFS: ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" failed: NoMethodError:
Lucas Nussbaum
lucas at debian.org
Fri Oct 21 13:37:49 UTC 2016
Source: ruby-yell
Version: 2.0.6-1
Severity: serious
Tags: stretch sid
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20161021 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on
Relevant part (hopefully):
> NoMethodError:
> undefined method `stub' for #<RSpec::ExampleGroups::Yell::Env::FallbackToDevelopment:0x00000002100f98>
> # ./spec/yell_spec.rb:104:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'
> Finished in 3.25 seconds (files took 0.22858 seconds to load)
> 182 examples, 40 failures, 1 pending
> Failed examples:
> rspec ./spec/compatibility/formatter_spec.rb:16 # backwards compatible formatter should format out the message correctly
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/base_spec.rb:27 # Yell::Adapters::Base#write should delegate :event to :write!
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/base_spec.rb:34 # Yell::Adapters::Base#write should not write when event does not have the right level
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/datefile_spec.rb:44 # Yell::Adapters::Datefile#write should not open file handle again
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/file_spec.rb:10 # Yell::Adapters::File
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/file_spec.rb:15 # Yell::Adapters::File#stream
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/file_spec.rb:26 # Yell::Adapters::File#write default filename should print to file
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/file_spec.rb:37 # Yell::Adapters::File#write with given :filename should print to file
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/file_spec.rb:48 # Yell::Adapters::File#write with given :pathname should accept pathanme as filename
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/file_spec.rb:58 # Yell::Adapters::File#write #sync should sync by default
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/file_spec.rb:64 # Yell::Adapters::File#write #sync pass the option to File
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/io_spec.rb:57 # Yell::Adapters::Io#write should format the message
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters/io_spec.rb:63 # Yell::Adapters::Io#write should print formatted message to stream
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters_spec.rb:13 # Yell::Adapters.new should accept STDOUT
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters_spec.rb:19 # Yell::Adapters.new should accept STDERR
> rspec ./spec/yell/adapters_spec.rb:38 # Yell::Adapters.register should allow to being called from :new
> rspec ./spec/yell/dsl_spec.rb:29 # Yell Adapter DSL spec should perform #write
> rspec ./spec/yell/formatter_spec.rb:74 # Yell::Formatter patterns :caller %F
> rspec ./spec/yell/formatter_spec.rb:79 # Yell::Formatter patterns :caller %f
> rspec ./spec/yell/formatter_spec.rb:84 # Yell::Formatter patterns :caller %M
> rspec ./spec/yell/formatter_spec.rb:89 # Yell::Formatter patterns :caller %n
> rspec ./spec/yell/formatter_spec.rb:128 # Yell::Formatter Exception
> rspec ./spec/yell/loggable_spec.rb:13 # Yell::Loggable should make a lookup in the Yell::Repository
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:113 # Yell::Logger initialize with a #filename should call adapter with :file
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:123 # Yell::Logger initialize with a #filename of Pathname type should call adapter with :file
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:133 # Yell::Logger initialize with a :stdout adapter should call adapter with STDOUT
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:137 # Yell::Logger initialize with a :stdout adapter should call adapter with :stdout
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:145 # Yell::Logger initialize with a :stderr adapter should call adapter with STDERR
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:149 # Yell::Logger initialize with a :stderr adapter should call adapter with :stderr
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:188 # Yell::Logger initialize with #adapters option should set adapters in logger correctly
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:202 # Yell::Logger caller's :file, :line and :method should write correctly
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:254 # Yell::Logger logging with a silencer should not pass a matching message to any adapter
> rspec ./spec/yell/logger_spec.rb:260 # Yell::Logger logging with a silencer should pass a non-matching message to any adapter
> rspec ./spec/yell/repository_spec.rb:25 # Yell::Repository.[] given a Class should raise with the correct :name when logger not found
> rspec ./spec/yell_spec.rb:39 # Yell.load! should be_kind_of Yell::Logger
> rspec ./spec/yell_spec.rb:47 # Yell.[] should delegate to the repository
> rspec ./spec/yell_spec.rb:57 # Yell.[]= should delegate to the repository
> rspec ./spec/yell_spec.rb:81 # Yell.env fallback to RACK_ENV should == 'rack'
> rspec ./spec/yell_spec.rb:97 # Yell.env fallback to RAILS_ENV should == 'rails'
> rspec ./spec/yell_spec.rb:109 # Yell.env fallback to development should == 'development'
> /usr/bin/ruby2.3 /usr/bin/rspec --pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --format documentation failed
> ERROR: Test "ruby2.3" failed:
If the failure looks somehow time/timezone related:
Note that this rebuild was performed without the 'tzdata' package
installed in the chroot. tzdata used be (transitively) part of
build-essential, but it no longer is. If this package requires it to
build, it should be added to build-depends. For the release team's
opinion on this, see
If the failure looks LSB-related:
similarly to tzdata, lsb-base is not installed in the build chroot.
The full build log is available from:
A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!
About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.
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