[DRE-maint] Bug#853244: ruby-sshkit: Non-determistically FTBFS due to unreliable timing in tests

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Sun Feb 5 21:22:37 UTC 2017

Christian Hofstaedtler wrote:

> Thing is, upstream thought these tests provide value, even if they
> depend on a certain base performance of the machine they are running
> on.

Fair. On the other hand, upstreams can do some crazy things!

> > Would the idea that they interfere with running QA efforts across the
> > archive change your mind? :)
> I can see that, but the reality is that there's only so many people
> looking at bugs. (Assuming "interfere" means you file a note in
> reproducible notes git and move on.)

I think "interfere" was the wrong word, sorry.

The problem is that this package would need a *specific* note/mention
that it should be ignored. Whilst we could certainly add that for
Reproducible Builds, what happens, for example, when the next person
runs a rebuild across the archive to test for something else (etc. etc.)

Better to fix them once and for all IMHO :)


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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