[DRE-maint] Bug#915053: gitlab: Err 500 when go to the project page(any project)

Dragos Jarca dragos.jarca at dynamicpuzzle.ro
Sun Dec 9 09:36:24 GMT 2018


Updated to 11.4.9, but the problem exists.

Seems tat gitlab API not work in all forms described in documentation.

root at omv:/etc/gitlab# curl --header 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: ***' 
alter table ws add column if not exists isactive TINYINT not null default 0;
alter table ws add column if not exists apikey varchar(128);
root at omv:/etc/gitlab# curl 
{"message":"404 Project Not Found"}
root at omv:/etc/gitlab# curl --header '_gitlab_session=*****' 
{"message":"404 Project Not Found"}

In web interface _gitlab_session is responsable, and seems not no work.
Strange is that:

not work and return ERR 500



work and return content of file.

I can work in external git clients, but cannot see thhe project files 
and commits in the web interface.

Dragos Jarca

On 06.12.2018 10:00, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> On 12/4/18 10:03 PM, Dragos Jarca wrote:
>> Yes, tried on different browsers, different os, different browsers on
>> moile phones, smart tb browser, etc.
> I have just uploaded gitlab 11.4.9 to experimental. See if that fixes
> the issues.

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