[DRE-maint] Bug#915050: (gitlab) Re: Bug#915050: Keep out of testing

Alexander Wirt formorer at debian.org
Tue Dec 18 08:43:56 GMT 2018

On Tue, 18 Dec 2018, Pirate Praveen wrote:

> [adding -devel to cc]
> On 12/3/18 8:11 PM, Dominik George wrote:
> >> well, Debian is using gitlab!!! so this sentence has no sense. The
> >> problem here
> >> is that is a complex software that depends of a lot of pieces and it's
> >> not
> >> easy/possible to fit the definition. So, maybe we should create another
> >> category
> >> of software.
> > 
> > Yes, and that Debian officially uses GitLab, from a foreign source, without being able to support it in Debian, does make me feel ashamed for the project.
> > 
> >> maybe creating another kind of repo. debian-contributuions
> >> debian-blabla, whatever.
> >>
> > 
> > We had volatile, which, redefined properly, could help. I am trying to draft such a definition.
> Did you get a chance to work on it?
> I think it has to be an extension of backports with dependencies that
> fall within the backports criteria being maintained in backports and
> only packages that cannot be in backports maintained in volatile.
> Original definition of volatile from https://www.debian.org/volatile/:
> "Some packages aim at fast moving targets, such as spam filtering and
> virus scanning, and even when using updated data patterns, they do not
> really work for the full time of a stable release. The main goal of
> volatile is allowing system administrators to update their systems in a
> nice, consistent way, without getting the drawbacks of using unstable,
> even without getting the drawbacks for the selected packages. So
> debian-volatile will only contain changes to stable programs that are
> necessary to keep them functional."
> Proposed definition:
> "Some packages aim at fast moving targets, such as complex web based
> software with very small release cycles and new dependencies, they do
> not receive security support or bug fixes for the full time of a stable
> release. This means backporting targeted fixes are impossible.  The main
> goal of volatile is allowing system administrators to update their
> systems in a nice, consistent way, without getting the drawbacks of
> using unstable, even without getting the drawbacks for the selected
> packages. New dependencies introduced can be maintained in backports
> repository. So debian-volatile will be an extension of debian-backports,
> with dependencies that fall within the criteria maintained in
> debian-backports."
I don't think that -backports is the right suite. It should be something new,
with a new team.


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