[DRE-maint] Bug#888160: ruby-memfs: FTBFS on ruby2.5: No such file or directory - /test-file

Chris West (Faux) debian at fau.xxx
Tue Jan 23 18:26:44 UTC 2018

Source: ruby-memfs
Version: 0.5.0-1
Severity: important
User: debian-ruby at lists.debian.org
Usertags: ruby2.5

Dear Maintainer,

This package fails to build against ruby2.5. Soon, there will
be a transition to ruby2.5, and this package will FTBFS in sid.

There may be some details on the wiki about common problems:

Build log excerpt:


  1) FileUtils.copy_entry when +src+ does not exist raises an exception
     Failure/Error: find(path) || fail(Errno::ENOENT, path)

       No such file or directory - /test-file
     # ./lib/memfs/file_system.rb:64:in `find!'
     # ./lib/memfs/file/stat.rb:56:in `initialize'
     # ./lib/memfs/file.rb:137:in `new'
     # ./lib/memfs/file.rb:137:in `lstat'
     # ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:300:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:299:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

  2) FileUtils.rm_f calls rm with +:force+ set to true
     Failure/Error: described_class.rm_f('test')

       superclass mismatch for class File
     # ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:886:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

  3) FileUtils.rm_rf calls rm with +:force+ set to true
     Failure/Error: described_class.rm_rf('test')

       superclass mismatch for class File
     # ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:921:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

  4) FileUtils.rmdir when a directory is not empty ignores errors
     Failure/Error: expect { described_class.rmdir('/test-dir') }.not_to raise_error

       superclass mismatch for class File
     # ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:946:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

  5) FileUtils.rmdir when a directory is not empty doesn't remove the directory
     Failure/Error: fail Errno::ENOTEMPTY, path unless directory.empty?

       Directory not empty - /test-dir
     # ./lib/memfs/file_system.rb:121:in `rmdir'
     # ./lib/memfs/dir.rb:84:in `rmdir'
     # ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:950:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.47079 seconds (files took 1.03 seconds to load)
784 examples, 5 failures, 7 pending

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:298 # FileUtils.copy_entry when +src+ does not exist raises an exception
rspec ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:884 # FileUtils.rm_f calls rm with +:force+ set to true
rspec ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:919 # FileUtils.rm_rf calls rm with +:force+ set to true
rspec ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:945 # FileUtils.rmdir when a directory is not empty ignores errors
rspec ./spec/fileutils_spec.rb:949 # FileUtils.rmdir when a directory is not empty doesn't remove the directory

[Coveralls] Outside the CI environment, not sending data.
/usr/bin/ruby2.5 /usr/bin/rspec --pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --format documentation failed
ERROR: Test "ruby2.5" failed. Exiting.
dh_auto_install: dh_ruby --install /build/ruby-memfs-0.5.0/debian/ruby-memfs returned exit code 1
debian/rules:6: recipe for target 'binary' failed
make: *** [binary] Error 1
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 2

Full build log:

Please fix it!


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