[DRE-maint] Bug#912806: redmine: Could not find public_suffix error with current testing packages

Marc Dequènes (duck) duck at duckcorp.org
Tue Nov 20 14:15:17 GMT 2018

Control: severity -1 normal
Control: tags -1 + unreproducible


I just created a testing environment and was able to install and run 
Redmine 3.4.6-1 without any problem.
Also debCI did not either catch such problem.

ruby-public-suffix is an indirect dependency of Redmine, and in my test 
environment I also had 3.0.3+ds-1 installed. Bundler did not complain.

So I'm sorry but I was not able to reproduce your problem. Did you have 
any plugins installed?


Marc Dequènes

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