[DRE-maint] Bug#914771: cannot load such file -- bundler-1.16.1/exe/bundle

arpin.hugo at gmail.com arpin.hugo at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 18:48:53 GMT 2019


Sorry if I don't follow the guidelines, I just switched to debian.
I too have encoutered this error, here is an example that can reproduce
the bug by installing rails 5 from scratch.


# Install the dependencies for rails 5
sudo apt install -y ruby ruby-dev ruby-bundler git libsqlite3-dev base-

rm -rf "${ROOT}" && mkdir "${ROOT}" && cd "${ROOT}"

bundle init
bundle config --local path ./.bundle

echo 'gem "rails", "~> 5.0"' >> Gemfile
bundle install

# This will fail: No such file or directory -- /usr/lib/ruby/exe/bundle
bundle exec rails new . <<< "y"

I'm on buster, since the new release is coming soon, I think this is a
good time to update bundler.
I think v1.17.3 would be a great choice, I don't think it would break
any existing applications, bundler is usually very stable, but I'm not
100% on this.


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