[DRE-maint] Bug#942596: jekyll and required bundles

ydirson at free.fr ydirson at free.fr
Sun Apr 19 18:56:30 BST 2020

I could finally install the dependencies with the default Gemfile,
by downgrading ruby from 2.7 back to 2.5.  Looks like eventmachine
does not have support for 2.7 yet (hint given by the ruby-eventmachine
package in experimental, which still uses 2.5).

"bundle exec jekyll build" now works.  Good luck getting everything
to work out of the box, I hope you'll get around to it :)

Best regards,

> Trying Jekyll for the first time, I get hit by the same issue.
> Indeed this flag is a good start, but afterwards:
> 1. we have to gather we should change the Gemfile to use:
>  source "file:///usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"
> 2. we get hit by missing bundles, that should surely be added as
> Recommends:
> (and it is a bit painful, as I'm testing using "bundle outdated"
> which only
> complains one missing package at a time).  I could install the
> following:
> * jekyll-theme-minima
> * ruby-tzinfo
> But then the following gem is missing, and apparently not available
> in Debian:
> * tzinfo-data
> I tried to remove it from the Gemfile, and the next problem is:
>  Could not find gem 'jekyll (~> 3.8.6)' in any of the gem sources
>  listed in your Gemfile.
> ... which is quite unfortunate, as obviously the Debian package is
> installed.
> So it seems we cannot make use of full-local gems yet.  But back to
> the https source,
> the install also fails to complete:
> $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
> [DEPRECATED] The `--path` flag is deprecated because it relies on
> being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no
> longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set
> path 'vendor/bundle'`, and stop using this flag
> Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/...........
> Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
> Resolving dependencies...
> Fetching public_suffix 4.0.4
> Installing public_suffix 4.0.4
> Fetching addressable 2.7.0
> Installing addressable 2.7.0
> Using bundler 2.1.4
> Fetching colorator 1.1.0
> Installing colorator 1.1.0
> Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.1.6
> Installing concurrent-ruby 1.1.6
> Fetching eventmachine 1.2.7
> Installing eventmachine 1.2.7 with native extensions
> Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
>     current directory:
>     /home/yann/perso/blog/bar/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/eventmachine-1.2.7/ext
> /usr/bin/ruby2.7 -I /usr/lib/ruby/2.7.0 -r
> ./siteconf20200419-2300959-b7mzat.rb extconf.rb
> mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at
> /usr/lib/ruby/include/ruby.h
> You might have to install separate package for the ruby development
> environment, ruby-dev or ruby-devel for example.
> extconf failed, exit code 1
> Gem files will remain installed in
> /home/yann/perso/blog/bar/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/eventmachine-1.2.7
> for inspection.
> Results logged to
> /home/yann/perso/blog/bar/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.7.0/eventmachine-1.2.7/gem_make.out
> An error occurred while installing eventmachine (1.2.7), and Bundler
> cannot continue.
> Make sure that `gem install eventmachine -v '1.2.7' --source
> 'https://rubygems.org/'` succeeds before bundling.
> In Gemfile:
>   minima was resolved to 2.5.1, which depends on
>     jekyll-feed was resolved to 0.13.0, which depends on
>       jekyll was resolved to 3.8.6, which depends on
>         em-websocket was resolved to 0.5.1, which depends on
>           eventmachine
> Now it I want to take the hint and use `gem install eventmachine -v
> '1.2.7' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'`, after following
> the recommendation to do `bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle'`,
> that just seems to ignore the setting:
> $ gem install eventmachine -v '1.2.7' --source
> 'https://rubygems.org/'
> ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
>     You don't have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/2.7.0
>     directory.
> ... and it looks like `--source` and `--path` are incompatible
> anyway, if I use both, whatever the order, the second option
> is reported as "Unknown switches"
> Being quite a stranger to ruby things (which is usually a good
> starting point for validating a user documentation ;),
> all this is extremely confusing :)
> For a start, you could include a step-by-step instruction sheet to
> make use of jekyll in Debian.
> Best regards,
> --
> Yann

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