[DRE-maint] Bug#956365: redmine: unmet dependencies

Marc Dequènes (duck) duck at duckcorp.org
Mon Apr 20 19:52:12 BST 2020


On 2020-04-21 02:18, Dragos Jarca wrote:

> As u can see, I cannot downgrade rails, because of gitlab, that use
> rails 6. I will not downgrade gitlab.

Except Rails 6 is in experimental, not unstable, so you cannot create an 
RC bug for it. Experimental is a playground to prepare big changes not 
something you should use for production.

See below, and your own link, you're asking for the impossible.

> Pls. see https://www.redmine.org/issues/29914

Yes, that's far from over, so upgrading to 4.1 is not gonna solve 
anything. From others bug reports it seems 4.2 might have basic Rails 6 
support, but that would need to be tested.

So currently I just cannot solve your problem as there is no redmine 
version compatible with Rails 6 in the world. You would need to use a VM 
or container if you cannot use another machine.


Marc Dequènes

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