[DRE-maint] Bug#942596: Bug#942596: jekyll and required bundles

Daniel Leidert dleidert at debian.org
Sat Apr 25 00:45:11 BST 2020

Am Samstag, den 25.04.2020, 00:18 +0200 schrieb ydirson at free.fr:
> Hi Daniel,
> ----- Mail original -----
> > 1) Use the Debian package management and don't use bunlder at all
> > (jekyll new
> > --skip-bundle). All the Jekyll plugins have been packaged and most of
> > them can
> > be found in stable-backports. If you are missing some please let me
> > know. Just
> > add the plugins you need to Gemfile and _config.yml, run jekyll, and
> > that
> > should be it. In case of a missing theme (I just packaged the minima
> > theme) one
> > can use the ruby-jekyll-remote-theme package (and the plugin inside)
> > to avoid
> > bundler.
> That one works fine indeed, both with ruby 2.5 and 2.7 (2.7 issues
> language warnings that were apparently handled in 4.0.0, but they're
> just warnings).

Jekyll 4 will unlikely go to unstable soon. But I already have a patch for
Jekyll to fix the Ruby warnings.

> I finally understood what confused me at first: even with --skip-bundle,
> "jekyll new" creates a Gemfile.  And until this Gemfile is removed,
> "jekyll build" will try to go the bundle way all by itself.

That is not true. As I explained earlier I'm using jekyll myself and bundler
doesn't run at all. And you need Gemfile to list and load the plugins you need.

I don't really see a nice route with this for packaging: just documenting
> the fact and add a user notice in "jekyll new" that the package won't work
> until the file is removed feels awkward.
> OTOH, doesn't it feel awkward as well that just having Gemfile present
> causes the system binary to do what looks like a "bundle exec" ?   Again
> I'm too noob with ruby to say for sure, but that sure confused me.

What you describe really doesn't sound right. I really think the issue is not
jekyll nor bundler but somewhere in your setup.

What I suspect is that you have dependencies in Gemfile which you have not yet
installed via Debian package management. If all dependencies of your site are
installed, then bundler won't do anything.

Oh, I just looked into your project: Please delete Gemfile.lock locally and
remotely (and also add it to .gitignore!). It clearly lists gems your had
installed via bundler on your system. That could already be the cause for your
trouble. Also again remove any directories related to local bundler
installations like ~/.bundle, ~/.gem, vendor/, etc (check bundle env and gem
env for related directories).

Also please move questions about jekyll usage to our mailing list or our IRC
channel. This is really not related to the bug report in question.

Daniel Leidert <dleidert at debian.org> | https://www.wgdd.de/
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