[DRE-maint] Bug#966810: ruby-voight-kampff: Change build dependency on rails to ruby-rails

Pirate Praveen praveen at onenetbeyond.org
Sun Aug 2 17:06:40 BST 2020

Package: ruby-voight-kampff
Version:  1.1.3-3
Severity: important

rails binary package is meant for end users and has many development 
tools as dependency.

puma (>= 3.11), ruby-bootsnap (>= 1.1.0), ruby-byebug, 
ruby-chromedriver-helper, ruby-coffee-rails (>= 4.2), ruby-capybara (>= 
2.15), ruby-capybara (<< 4.0), ruby-jbuilder (>= 2.5), ruby-jbuilder 
(<< 3.0), ruby-jquery-rails, ruby-listen (>= 3.0.5), ruby-listen (<< 
3.2), ruby-sass-rails (>= 5.0), ruby-sdoc, ruby-selenium-webdriver, 
ruby-spring, ruby-spring-watcher-listen, ruby-sqlite3, ruby-turbolinks 
(>= 5.0), ruby-uglifier (>= 1.3.0), ruby-web-console

These are not required to build ruby-voight-kampff. You can change this 
to ruby-rails to reduce build dependenices.

Note: The git repo for this package seems missing in salsa, if you can 
create this repo, I can fix this myself.

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