[DRE-maint] Bug#816640: ruby-eventmachine: FTBFS under pbuilder with USENETWORK=no: TestResolver fails (no implicit conversion of nil into String)

Marc Dequènes (duck) duck at duckcorp.org
Tue Jun 16 17:16:14 BST 2020


Andreas, could you explain to me why you reopened this ticket? Did you 
stumble on another test using the network? I built the package locally 
and on Salsa and it seemed to be fixed.

Also I don't understand why you merged it with #919085 which seem to 
address a broader problem. I see one test failing on mipsel and other 
failures in non-releasing arches, but it seems the situation is 
different from the original report. I'm not sure how to fix this test 


Marc Dequènes

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