[DRE-maint] Bug#973140: ruby-invisible-captcha: FTBFS: ERROR: Test "ruby2.7" failed: Failure/Error: require 'bundler/setup' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
Lucas Nussbaum
lucas at debian.org
Tue Oct 27 17:17:15 GMT 2020
Source: ruby-invisible-captcha
Version: 0.12.2-4
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20201027 ftbfs-bullseye
During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.
Relevant part (hopefully):
> Failure/Error: require 'bundler/setup' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
> Bundler::VersionConflict:
> Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "nio4r":
> In rails_6.0.gemfile:
> rails (~> 6.0.0) was resolved to, which depends on
> actioncable (= was resolved to, which depends on
> nio4r (~> 2.0)
> Could not find gem 'nio4r (~> 2.0)', which is required by gem 'actioncable (=', in any of the sources.
> # /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/bundler-2.2.0.rc.1/lib/bundler.rb:149:in `setup'
> # ./spec/dummy/config/boot.rb:3:in `<top (required)>'
> # ./spec/dummy/config/application.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
> # ./spec/dummy/config/environment.rb:2:in `require_relative'
> # ./spec/dummy/config/environment.rb:2:in `<top (required)>'
> # ./spec/spec_helper.rb:3:in `<top (required)>'
> # ------------------
> # --- Caused by: ---
> # Bundler::Molinillo::VersionConflict:
> # Unable to satisfy the following requirements:
> #
> # - `nio4r (~> 2.0)` required by `actioncable ( (ruby)`
> # /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/bundler-2.2.0.rc.1/lib/bundler.rb:149:in `setup'
> No examples found.
> No examples found.
> Finished in 0.00004 seconds (files took 0.21098 seconds to load)
> 0 examples, 0 failures, 1 error occurred outside of examples
> Finished in 0.00004 seconds (files took 0.21098 seconds to load)
> 0 examples, 0 failures, 1 error occurred outside of examples
> /usr/bin/ruby2.7 -I/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-support-3.9.3/lib:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.9.2/lib /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.9.2/exe/rspec --pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --format documentation failed
> ERROR: Test "ruby2.7" failed:
The full build log is available from:
A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!
About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.
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