[DRE-maint] Bug#952026: fixed in node-handlebars

Pirate Praveen praveen at onenetbeyond.org
Mon Sep 14 21:32:25 BST 2020

Control: reassign -1 node-handlebars
Control: affects -1 ruby-handlebars-assets
Control: found -1 3:4.7.6-2

 > I debugged this case and looked into the FTBFS of 
ruby-handlebas-assets. I
 > checked out the upstream git repository and it tests just fine even 
when I
 > raise the haml and rake gem versions to match the ones in Debian. 
But it fails
 > with exactly the same error if I replace the javascript files in
 > vendor/assets/javascript by the javascript files provided by 
 > So there seems to be some incompatbility or difference with these 
 > actually causing the build issue (and I don't believe it's the 
 > difference of 4.7.2 vs 4.7.3).
 > Regards, Daniel

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for this information. It gave me an idea to diff between the two 
files and I found the embedded handlebars files were using 'this' and 
our builds were using 'window'.

@@ -33,5178 +7,476 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
                exports["Handlebars"] = factory();
                root["Handlebars"] = factory();
-})(this, function() {
+})(window, function() {
 return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
 /******/ // The module cache
 /******/ var installedModules = {};

Looking around I found  webpack option to pass globalObject: 'this' to 
match this format. This option allows the code to run same code on both 
node and browser.

Fixed node-handlebars and will upload now.

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