[DRE-maint] Bug#1002098: ruby-gon: FTBFS: ERROR: Test "ruby2.7" failed: ArgumentError

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at debian.org
Tue Dec 21 15:56:18 GMT 2021

Source: ruby-gon
Version: 6.4.0-1
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs
User: lucas at debian.org
Usertags: ftbfs-20211220 ftbfs-bookworm


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
>       ArgumentError:
>         wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 3)
>       # /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/actionview- `initialize'
>       # ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:36:in `new'
>       # ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:36:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
> Finished in 0.12069 seconds (files took 0.38329 seconds to load)
> 72 examples, 31 failures
> Failed examples:
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:96 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with an integer
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:103 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with a string
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:111 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with a script string
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:124 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with an integer and type
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:134 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with an integer, camel-case and namespace
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:142 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with camel_depth = :recursive
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:150 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with camel_depth = 2
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:158 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js for an array with camel_depth = :recursive
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:166 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct key with camel_case option set alternately 
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:176 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with an integer and without tag
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:184 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js without variables, without tag and gon init if before there was data
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:193 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js without variables, without tag and gon init
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:199 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js without variables, without tag, gon init and an integer
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:207 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js without cdata, without type, gon init and an integer
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:218 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with type text/javascript
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:222 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js with namespace check
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:226 # Gon#include_gon outputs correct js without namespace check
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:237 # Gon#include_gon without a current_gon instance does not raise an exception
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:241 # Gon#include_gon without a current_gon instance outputs correct js
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:245 # Gon#include_gon without a current_gon instance outputs correct js with init
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:262 # Gon#include_gon_amd is included in ActionView::Base as a helper
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:266 # Gon#include_gon_amd outputs correct js without variables
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:274 # Gon#include_gon_amd outputs correct js with an integer
> rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb:284 # Gon#include_gon_amd outputs correct module name when given a namespace
> rspec ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:40 # Gon::Global#include_gon outputs correct js with an integer
> rspec ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:50 # Gon::Global#include_gon outputs correct js with an integer and integer in Gon
> rspec ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:62 # Gon::Global#include_gon outputs correct js with a string
> rspec ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:72 # Gon::Global#include_gon outputs correct js with a script string
> rspec ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:87 # Gon::Global#include_gon outputs correct js with a unicode line separator
> rspec ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:97 # Gon::Global#include_gon outputs locally overridden value
> rspec ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb:108 # Gon::Global#include_gon includes the tag attributes in the script tag
> /usr/bin/ruby2.7 -I/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-support-3.10.3/lib:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.10.1/lib /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.10.1/exe/rspec ./spec/gon/basic_spec.rb ./spec/gon/global_spec.rb ./spec/gon/jbuilder_spec.rb ./spec/gon/rabl_spec.rb ./spec/gon/templates_spec.rb ./spec/gon/watch_spec.rb --color --format doc --require spec_helper failed
> ERROR: Test "ruby2.7" failed: 

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at
http://wiki.debian.org/qa.debian.org/FTBFS . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please marking it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control#affects

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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