[DRE-maint] Bug#1000618: summary + reducing severity

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at debian.org
Mon Dec 26 16:45:46 GMT 2022

Control: retitle -1 ruby-gtk2: crash if 'include Gtk' is done before require openssl
Control: severity -1 normal


Summarizing the investigations (thanks!)

The root cause is this code in origami-pdf:

require 'gtk2'
include Gtk
require 'openssl'

this crashes with: superclass mismatch for class Socket (TypeError)

That's because the Gtk module has its own Socket class, which conficts
with the Socket from the standard library.

includ'ing Gtk is probably a bad idea. It would be better if origami-pdf
did not do it. However, a workaround exists, with:

require 'gtk2'
require 'openssl'
include Gtk

I don't think that this bug warrants severity:serious.


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