[DRE-maint] Bug#1027079: ruby-listen: FTBFS with ruby-rspec 3.12: ERROR: Test "ruby3.1" failed: Failure/Error: @snapshots[dir].invalidate(type, rel_path, options)
Antonio Terceiro
terceiro at debian.org
Tue Dec 27 15:37:24 GMT 2022
Source: ruby-listen
Version: 3.7.0-1
Severity: important
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: bookworm sid ftbfs
User: debian-ruby at lists.debian.org
Usertags: ruby-rspec-3.12
I'm about to upload ruby-rspec 3.12. During a test rebuild with that version,
ruby-listen failed to build.
Relevant part of the build log (hopefully):
> Failure/Error: @snapshots[dir].invalidate(type, rel_path, options)
> #<InstanceDouble(Listen::Change) "snapshot"> received :invalidate with unexpected arguments
> expected: (:dir, ".", {:recursive=>true}) (keyword arguments)
> got: (:dir, ".", {:recursive=>true}) (options hash)
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/base.rb:108:in `_queue_change'
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/polling.rb:36:in `_process_event'
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/base.rb:44:in `block (2 levels) in configure'
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/polling.rb:26:in `block (2 levels) in _run'
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/polling.rb:25:in `each'
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/polling.rb:25:in `block in _run'
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/polling.rb:23:in `loop'
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/polling.rb:23:in `_run'
> # ./lib/listen/adapter/base.rb:79:in `block in start'
> # ./lib/listen/thread.rb:26:in `rescue_and_log'
> # ./lib/listen/thread.rb:18:in `block in new'
> Finished in 0.37831 seconds (files took 0.20262 seconds to load)
> 312 examples, 22 failures, 1 pending
> Failed examples:
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/adapter/linux_spec.rb:137 # Listen::Adapter::Linux instance methods _callback recognizes close_write as modify
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/adapter/linux_spec.rb:142 # Listen::Adapter::Linux instance methods _callback recognizes moved_to as moved_to
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/adapter/linux_spec.rb:147 # Listen::Adapter::Linux instance methods _callback recognizes moved_from as moved_from
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/directory_spec.rb:275 # Listen::Directory#scan with recursive on with empty record with subdir present in dir snapshots changes for subdir
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/directory_spec.rb:218 # Listen::Directory#scan with recursive on with file.rb & subdir in record with empty dir snapshots changes for file & subdir path
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/directory_spec.rb:239 # Listen::Directory#scan with recursive on with file.rb & subdir in record with subdir2 path present snapshots changes for file, file2 & subdir paths
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/directory_spec.rb:75 # Listen::Directory#scan with recursive off with file & subdir in record with empty dir snapshots changes for file path and dir that doesn't exist
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/directory_spec.rb:92 # Listen::Directory#scan with recursive off with file & subdir in record when subdir is removed notices subdir does not exist
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/adapter/base_spec.rb:91 # Listen::Adapter::Base handling events when an event occurs passes invalidates the snapshot based on the event
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/listener_spec.rb:300 # Listen::Listener#ignore! with existing ignore options deletes ignore options
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/listener_spec.rb:289 # Listen::Listener#ignore! with existing ignore! options overwrites existing ignore options
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/listener_spec.rb:247 # Listen::Listener#ignore with existing ignore options adds up to existing ignore options
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/listener_spec.rb:262 # Listen::Listener#ignore with existing ignore options (array) adds up to existing ignore options
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/listener_spec.rb:313 # Listen::Listener#only with existing only options overwrites existing ignore options
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb:43 # Listen::Silencer::Controller append_ignores with no previous :ignore rules when providing as array sets the given :ignore rules
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb:35 # Listen::Silencer::Controller append_ignores with no previous :ignore rules when providing multiple arguments sets the given :ignore rules as a flat array
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb:27 # Listen::Silencer::Controller append_ignores with no previous :ignore rules when providing a single regexp as argument sets the given :ignore rules as array
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb:88 # Listen::Silencer::Controller append_ignores with previous :ignore rules when providing as array appends the given :ignore rules
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb:79 # Listen::Silencer::Controller append_ignores with previous :ignore rules when providing multiple arguments appends the given :ignore rules as a flat array
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb:62 # Listen::Silencer::Controller append_ignores with previous :ignore rules when providing a nil reconfigures with existing :ignore rules
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb:70 # Listen::Silencer::Controller append_ignores with previous :ignore rules when providing a single regexp as argument appends the given :ignore rules as array
> rspec ./spec/lib/listen/adapter/polling_spec.rb:57 # Listen::Adapter::Polling with a valid configuration #start notifies change on every listener directories path
> Randomized with seed 57067
> /usr/bin/ruby3.1 -I/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-support-3.12.0/lib:/usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.12.0/lib /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/rspec-core-3.12.0/exe/rspec --pattern ./spec/\*\*/\*_spec.rb --exclude-pattern ./spec/lib/listen/adapter/darwin_spec.rb,./spec/lib/listen/adapter/windows_spec.rb,./spec/lib/listen/monotonic_time_spec.rb,./spec/acceptance/listen_spec.rb --format documentation failed
> ERROR: Test "ruby3.1" failed:
The full build log is attached.
If you reassign this bug to another package, please marking it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control#affects
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