[DRE-maint] webgen_1.7.2-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Daniel Leidert dleidert at debian.org
Thu Feb 17 17:30:20 GMT 2022

Am Mittwoch, dem 16.02.2022 um 18:00 +0000 schrieb Thorsten Alteholz:

> there seems to be no progress here, so I am going to reject the package.
> Please reupload after all issues have been resolved.

I hereby object to this decision. We have clearly answered each and every
request Sean Whitton made.

1) There is no rule in the policy nor the DFSG that we have to put an SVG file
down as an *alleged*(!) source of a picture file. I clearly reject to such a
request because it has no grounds, as I explained in detail last year already.
Even Sean clearly replied that he was just "asking [..] about whether it [the
source] was available or not" (mail from August 16th 2021). Again: If you want
to enforce this, please cite the policy or the DFSG and show proof, that the
alleged source is the source.

2) The file rake_task.rb is GPL-2+. The maintainer decided to ship it as GPL-
3(+) as the rest of the source.  I saw it and it is a legit (and in my opinion
absolutely sensible) maintainer's decision. Even Sean agreed that this is a
non-blocking "issue" (mail from January 19th, 2022).

3) This leaves that: The source was put down in d/copyright as GPL-3 instead of
GPL-3+. While this would be legit, there is no reason to do so. But this is
something that can be easily changed in a source-only upload that needs to be
done anyway.

The package doesn't violate any rules that prevent it from be accepted into
main. So what is this? Are FTP masters now making up their own ruleset as well,
like the linitan package maintainer did?!

Daniel Leidert <dleidert at debian.org> | https://www.wgdd.de/
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