[DRE-maint] Bug#1015302: Upgrading 14.10.5 to 15.0.4 aborts on db:migrate

Jakob Haufe sur5r at sur5r.net
Tue Jul 19 12:18:39 BST 2022

I have not upgraded to 15.0.4 yet but found the following jobs being
in failed state on my instance:

 id | status |             job_class_name             | table_name | column_name | job_arguments 
 17 |      4 | BackfillNamespaceIdForNamespaceRoute   | routes     | id          | []
 18 |      4 | BackfillIssueSearchData                | issues     | id          | []
 19 |      4 | BackfillMemberNamespaceForGroupMembers | members    | id          | []
 23 |      4 | BackfillGroupFeatures                  | namespaces | id          | [10000]

After reading around the docs Patrick linked, I noticed that both




returned false.

I enabled both features as the docs suggest they should be.

After that, I went to /admin/background_migrations and restarted all
failed jobs. Shortly after, they finished successfully.

I am unsure whether those two features being disabled had anything do
to with the issue at all but AIUI it shouldn't hurt to have them

I had a slight hope that this would also resolve #1014904 but it did

Note: To get gitlab-rails-console to work again, I had to fix
/var/lib/gitlab/.gem/bin/rails as that was still pointing to ruby2.5:

# gitlab-rails-console 
/usr/bin/env: ‘ruby2.5’: No such file or directory


ceterum censeo microsoftem esse delendam.
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