[DRE-maint] Bug#988449: redmine: run the testsuite during the build

Marc Dequènes (duck) duck at duckcorp.org
Wed Mar 30 10:25:50 BST 2022


Thanks a lot for preparing all this. I have no idea why this was not 
integrated before. I see in the history the focus was on the autopkgtest 
and I myself continued on that path when I took over with Kanashiro-kun 
so I can only speculate the test suite was not great before.

Anyway, currently redmine is all broken because we had to update Rails 
before being out of upstream support and Redmine authors really took 
their sweet time to support the new version but since yesterday this is 
solved. I prepared Redmine 5 and today finished integrating your work. I 
had to disable ~9 tests but it will not regress from this point on.

One new dep is in NEW and I'll need to do more tests but it should be in 
unstable soon.

Thanks again.

Marc Dequènes

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